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词汇 黏土
例句 The clay had been well puddled.这种黏土被制成了很好的胶泥。Some clay receives clear impressions.有些黏土会被印上清晰的痕迹。The statues were cast in clay moulds.这些塑像用黏土模子制成。He is good at making things out of clay.他擅长用黏土捏塑。His favourite surface is clay.他最喜欢黏土面的运动场地。Students fashioned the clay into small figures.学生们把黏土捏成小人偶。When the clay feels like putty, it is ready to use.黏土摸起来像油灰时,就可以用了。I'll work in clay, sculpturing a model to get all the dimensions.我要用黏土塑造一个模型以获得所有的尺寸。Both clay and sandstone are unstable rock formations.黏土和砂岩都是不牢固的岩石构造。Clay can be moulded into almost any shape.黏土可以塑成几乎任何形状。Her movements were quick and graceful, like those of a potter moulding clay.她的动作迅速而优雅,就像制陶工人用模子制黏土模型。The potter used a paddle to shape the clay.陶工用扁形泥拍把黏土塑造成形。Clay the car after washing but before applying wax.洗车后先用黏土处理再上蜡。Leave the clay in the mould overnight.黏土在模子里放一夜。As the wheel turned, the potter shaped and squeezed the lump of clay into a graceful shape.随着陶轮的转动,制陶工人挤压黏土团塑造出优美的形状。A contractor was hired to drain the reservoir and to excavate soil from one area for replacement with clay.雇了一个承包商把水库抽干,挖掉一处的泥土,然后再用黏土填充。When soft woods are used for the firing, the clay turns dark from the smoke.用软木烧制时,黏土会被烟雾熏暗。She moulded / molded the clay into the shape of a head.她把黏土塑成了头的形状。Clay is the stuff of which pottery is made.黏土是制造陶器的原料。He enjoyed working with clay as a sculptural form.他喜欢用黏土来做雕塑。Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay.在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石之间是一层薄薄的黏土A roof tile is made of baked clay.屋顶的瓦是用黏土烧制而成的。There she began to model in clay.在那儿她开始用黏土做模型。He made a clay model of the Eiffel Tower.他做了一个艾菲尔铁塔的黏土模型。I need some adobe for my potting.我需要些黏土制造陶器。Water infiltrates quickly through a sandy soil, but slowly through a clay soil.水在砂类土中的渗透速度很快,但在黏土中的渗透速度则较慢。Clay, wax, and plaster are plastic substances.黏土,蜡和石膏是可塑物质。The clay should be kneaded thoroughly to remove any bubbles of air.黏土应该彻底揉捏,以去除气泡。Lobelia and geraniums look marvellous in clay pots.半边莲和天竺葵在黏土罐里看起来妙极了。Sand and clay are added to produce the perfect planting medium.添加沙和黏土是为了制出理想的栽植培养基。The clay is solid but malleable.黏土虽然质地坚实,但仍具有延展性。The artist started with a big lump of clay.艺术家用一大块黏土开始雕塑。The mill pugs the clay.机器将黏土捣碎。The clay soils of the region are difficult to work.这个地区的黏土很难耕种。Moisten the clay if it seems too dry.如果黏土太干,就把它弄湿。She formed the clay into a ball.她把黏土塑成一个球。Truckloads of loam were transported to the construction site.一辆辆装满亚黏土的卡车被运往这个建筑工地。She gave her mother a tiny statue that she molded from clay.她把自己用黏土塑造的小塑像送给了妈妈。Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.另一个方法,尤其用于铸造人像,是把黏土倒入模具中。With her fingers she smoothed the clay and rounded the bottom of the bowl.她用手指把黏土弄平滑,又把碗底修出圆形。




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