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Like so many people, he's motivated by greed.像许多人一样,他为贪婪所驱使。His curiosity prompted him to ask questions.他的好奇心驱使他发问。He was a ruthless businessman, motivated by naked ambition and greed.他是个无情的商人,受赤裸裸的野心和贪婪的驱使。Ambition drove her to succeed.抱负驱使她努力获得成功。The thought that any parent would manipulate their child into seeking fame just appalled me.想到竟然有做父母的会驱使自己的孩子去追求名望,真是让我吃惊。They were actuated by desire.他们受到欲望的驱使。A violent gust of irritation swept him into action.一阵暴怒驱使他去行动。They seem to be actuated by the principles of equity and justice.看来他们受公平合理的原则所驱使。He is propelled by both guilt and the need to avenge his father.他受到内疚感和为父报仇之心的双重驱使。All his life the great man was animated by love of his country.这个伟人一生的作为都是受了爱国心的驱使。Hunger goaded him on to steal the food.饥饿驱使他前去偷窃食物。He was unsympathetic with many house sellers, complaining that they were motivated by greed.他对很多卖房者表示反感,抱怨说他们是受贪念驱使。Most people dislike it when they are told what to do.大多数人都不喜欢被人驱使做事。The impulsion of hunger drove the man to steal.饥饿驱使此人去偷窃。He was driven by greed for money and power.他受利欲和权欲的驱使。They have been galvanised into collective action — militarily, politically and economically.他们在形势驱使下已经在政治、经济和军事上采取了联合行动。Desire for riches carried him to the city.对财富的渴望驱使他来到这座城市。They hoped this would lead to the departure of all foreign forces from the country.他们希望这将驱使所有外国部队撤离该国。Phil, driven by jealousy, started spying on his wife.菲尔在嫉妒心的驱使下开始暗中监视他妻子。They were motivated by a deep desire for money and fame.他们受追名逐利的欲望所驱使。She is driven by overweening ambition.她被不可一世的野心所驱使。His conscience pricked him on to admit his crime to the police.他的良心驱使他向警方认罪。My conscience was moved to action.我受良心驱使而采取行动。Homesickness drives many recruits to abscond.思家病驱使许多新兵逃跑。His sense of duty pricked him off to finish the work on time.他的责任心驱使他按时完成工作。She was propelled by greed when she stole the money.她偷钱时受了贪念的驱使。What pressures and fears drove him to send his own sister to death?是什么样的压力和恐惧驱使他置同胞姐妹于死地? A small motor revolves the wheels of the machine.一台小发动机驱使机器轮子转动。He seems to be driven by some kind of inner compulsion.他似乎受到某种内在力量的驱使。He was driven on by a strong sense of destiny.他被一种强烈的宿命感所驱使。It's the money that spurs these fishermen to risk a long ocean journey in their flimsy boats.是金钱驱使这些渔民驾着破旧小船冒险出海远航。The mobs became driven by a crazed blood lust to take the city.暴徒们后来就受到了一种疯狂的杀戮欲的驱使要攻陷城市。He was actuated by violent jealousy.强烈的忌妒心驱使着他。He was motivated by duty alone, and not by any hope of reward.他只是受责任心的驱使,并不希望得到任何报酬。Many managers are driven by a desire to achieve.许多经理是受成功欲望所驱使的。In the first week of January, thousands of guilt-ridden people signed up for fitness courses or embarked on diets.在元月的第一个星期,成千上万的人在负疚感的驱使下报名参加健身班或者开始节食。He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics.他说他突然关注外交政策并非受总统政治的驱使。My conscience dictates that I resign.良心驱使我辞职。She was driven by a lust for power.她受权力之欲驱使。He was driven by avarice.他受到贪念的驱使。 |