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例句 When I was travelling, I always carried my jewellery in a little pouch.旅行时,我总是把首饰放在一个小袋子里。She keeps her jewelry in the bank's vault.她将自己的首饰存放在银行保险库内。She often wears accessories such as a diamond bracelet, a necklace and earings.她常常戴钻石手镯、项链、耳环等一类首饰The nurse asked her to remove all her jewellery.护士让她摘下所有的首饰Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling.大牌珠宝商竞相邀约名人佩戴其名贵首饰Clothes and jewels were laid out on the ground.衣服和首饰都摊在地上。Amber is often used in jewelry.琥珀常用于做首饰His bank savings, with his wife's jewels, amount to three million dollars.他的银行存款加上他太太的首饰合计达三百万元。Those jewels must have cost a small fortune.那些首饰一定是花了一大笔钱买来的。The servant stole the jewels but rigged the theft so that it seemed that a burglar had done it.那仆人偷了宝石首饰,但预先做了手脚把窃案伪造成系由撬窃贼所为。She wears tons of jewelry.她身上戴著许多首饰Every one gazed at her beautiful jewels.大家都盯着她的漂亮首饰看。She has gotten jewels and other family heirlooms.她得到了首饰以及其它祖传遗物。She carelessly deposed costly trinkets on the table.她把贵重小首饰随手丢在桌上。She'll wear fine jewellery wherever she goes.她无论走到哪儿都会佩戴精美首饰She left her jewelry in her sister's keeping.她把首饰交给姊姊保管。I don't really like her choice of jewellery.我不是十分喜欢她选的首饰She wore discreet jewellery.她戴着素净的首饰I brought a few trifles back from India - pieces of jewellery and fabric mainly.我从印度带回了几样小玩意儿——主要是些首饰和布料。The insurance company said I should have my jewellery valued.保险公司说我应当把我的首饰进行估价。If you're going for full-on glamour, add some sparkly jewellery.如果你想要显得光彩照人,那就加一些闪光的首饰They eyed her jewelry covetously.他们羡慕地盯着她的首饰She used the box as a receptacle for her jewelry.她用那个盒子来装她的首饰This beautiful piece of jewellery is the work of a meticulous craftsman.这件美丽的首饰是一位一丝不苟的工匠制作的。I spend a lot on expensive jewelry and clothing.我花很多钱购买昂贵的首饰和衣服。The bride adorned herself with jewels lavishly.新娘戴上许多首饰,打扮得珠光宝气。She had all her jewellery stolen.她所有的首饰都被偷了。The jewels will be held in trust for the girl till she is twenty.女孩的那些首饰将被托管到她二十岁为止。Someone got in and walked away with the jewels while we were out.我们外出时,有人进来偷走了首饰We handed over all our gold and money.我们将所有的金首饰和钱都交了出来。They were robbed of money and valuables at gunpoint.他们在枪口的威逼下被抢去了钱及首饰The jewels are kept under lock and key.这些首饰都锁藏起来了。She smelled of cheap perfume and wore gaudy clothing and fake costume jewellery.她身上有廉价香水的味道,穿着俗艳的衣服,戴着仿真首饰Now that she was older, Jean's bony fingers and wrists were too small for her jewelry.琼现在年纪大了,瘦骨嶙峋的手指和手腕戴她的那些首饰太小了。In order to raise money she had to part with some of her jewels.为了筹款,她只好卖掉一些首饰They were selling an odd assortment of candy and jewelry.他们在出售各种各样的糖果和首饰The jewels on her fingers sparkled.她手指上戴的首饰闪闪发光。She wore an expensive suit and diamonds, which was a bit much for such a casual restaurant.她身穿昂贵的外套,戴着钻石首饰,在这样随意的餐馆显得过分了。The piece of jewellery was above price.那件首饰是无价之宝。My jewellery seems to be missing.我的首饰好像丢了。




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