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例句 She vaulted to fame when her first movie was a hit.她因首部影片的火爆而一举成名。With the success of her first film, she served notice that she is a serious and talented director.随着她的首部电影获得成功,大家注意到她是位严肃认真、才华横溢的导演。Kitty Aldridge has sacrificed all for her first film.姬蒂·奥尔德里奇为自己的首部影片牺牲了一切。His first film was absolute dynamite.他的首部电影造成了极大的轰动。Her second movie followed close on the heels of her successful film debut.她的首部电影取得成功之后,第二部电影很快就上映了。He became an instant celebrity with the publication of his first novel.首部小说的出版使他一夜成名。She dedicated her first novel to her father.她把她的首部小说献给了她的父亲。She gave an amazing performance in her first film.她在自己首部电影里的表演非常精彩。His first high-budget movie was panned by the critics.他的首部高成本电影受到影评家的强烈抨击。She is producing her first play/film.她正在制作她的首部戏剧/电影。In the first movie Tony Curtis ever made he played a grocery clerk.托尼·柯蒂斯在其首部电影里,扮演了一个食品杂货店店员。He scored a big success/hit in his first movie.他的首部电影大获成功。This is the first film she has directed.这是她导演的首部电影。The success of his first movie suddenly projected him into an unfamiliar world of wealth and fame.首部电影的成功把他一下子推入一个陌生的名利世界。The young actress acquitted herself extremely well/capably in her first film.年轻的女演员在她的首部影片中表现出色。The film is based on her first novel.这部影片取材于她的首部小说。The state's first cyberstalking laws went into effect a little over a year ago.该州首部网络跟踪法在一年多之前开始实施。This is the director's first mainstream Hollywood film.这是该导演在好莱坞的首部主流影片。After the success of her first film, she could not escape the glare of publicity.她的首部电影获得成功后,她就无法摆脱公众的关注了。Her first novel was inspired by her early childhood.首部小说的创作灵感源自其幼时的经历。She gave an astonishing performance in her first film.她在自己首部影片中的表演令人惊叹。Her first movie was pretty bad but her second one was all right.她的首部电影很糟糕,但她的第二部电影还不错。




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