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词汇 饿肚子
例句 He is very careless with his money; it is always a feast or a famine with him.他花钱很不注意,总是有钱时过得奢华,没钱时就饿肚子The rich flaunted their wealth while the poor starved on the streets.富人摆阔,穷人却在大街上饿肚子I would as lief go hungry as eat that nasty food.我宁愿饿肚子也不吃那种难吃的食物。You don't have to starve yourself to lose weight.你不必通过饿肚子来减肥。They were very poor and often went short of food.他们很贫穷,经常饿肚子Starvation seemed to stare them in the face.看来他们马上就要饿肚子I'd rather go without food than work for him.我宁可饿肚子也不为他工作。I often went without food and slept rough.我常常饿肚子,睡觉也没个好地方




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