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词汇 饥荒
例句 The famine turned the normal modulation of climate into disaster.正常的气候变化因饥荒而成了灾难。The country hovers on the brink of famine.这个国家濒临饥荒The church has inspired countless compassionate men and women to help the needy in times of famine, war, and plague.饥荒、战争和发生瘟疫的时期,教会动员了无数有同情心的男男女女来帮助需要的人。He appealed to American generosity to help check hunger and destitution in Europe.他呼吁美国慷慨解囊,帮助阻止饥荒和贫困在欧洲蔓延。The famine threatened to depopulate the continent.饥荒可能会导致该大洲人口减少。Thousands of refugees could die of hunger.成千上万的难民可能会死于饥荒Famine exists in many parts of the world.世界许多地方都发生饥荒We are ill-prepared to cope with famine.我们没有做好应对饥荒的准备。The famine provoked another wave of emigration.饥荒引发了新一轮的移民潮。News came of the famine, and there were pictures of emaciated children on the TV.传来了饥荒的消息,电视上也播出了瘦弱儿童的画面。The crops had failed, and once more, famine threatened the region.作物歉收,饥荒再一次威胁着这个地区。In spite of the scale of the famine, the relief workers struggled on with dauntless optimism.尽管饥荒非常严重,救援工作者们仍发扬大无畏的乐观主义精神,尽职尽责地努力工作。The recent famine in these parts has caused the displacement of tens of thousands of people.这些地区最近的饥荒迫使数万人逃往他乡。Famine creates high food prices.饥荒造成食品价格昂贵。Civil war and famine sent the nation plunging into anarchy.内战和饥荒使该国陷入了无政府状态。Drought has caused famine in Africa.干旱在非洲造成了饥荒We can deliver supplies and work to break the back of the famine.我们可以运送物资,努力解决饥荒中最关键的问题。The question of world hunger is a hard nut to crack.世界范围的饥荒是一个很难解决的问题。That year, crop failure led to widespread famine.那年,庄稼歉收导致大范围的饥荒An emergency fund was set up in reaction to the famine.针对这次饥荒成立了一个应急基金会。The country has rarely suffered a famine in its recorded history.有史以来,这个国家极少遭遇饥荒Northern Somalia was largely spared from the famine.索马里北部大部分没有受到饥荒的影响。In his seven short years, he has known war, famine and death.他在短短的七年生命之中,经历了战争、饥荒和死亡。War brings death and famine.战争导致死亡和饥荒She prayed for deliverance as the famine got worse.随着饥荒的加重,她祈求得到解救。There will be more famines, if only because the world's population is growing faster than food production.世界人口增长速度正在超过粮食增长速度,光是出于这个原因,到时候也会出现更多的饥荒The famine relief money was channelled through the UN.赈济饥荒的款项是通过联合国拨出的。The news reports about the famine were very distressing.关于此次饥荒的电视报道令人不堪其忧。The country is facing famine, and the authorities are doing little to prevent it.国家面临着饥荒,而当局却几乎不采取任何预防措施。The organization provides emergency famine relief.该组织提供饥荒紧急救济品。The United Nations has appealed for urgent international action to relieve famine in large areas of Africa.联合国呼吁采取紧急国际行动,针对非洲大面积地区的饥荒提供救助。If there is a danger of famine, we should help.如果有发生饥荒的危险,我们就要提供帮助。The combined effects of the war and the drought resulted in famine.战争和干旱的双重因素导致了饥荒Famine and war still afflict mankind.饥荒与战争依旧给人类带来痛苦。There is hunger in all the flood-hit areas.洪水泛滥地区到处都出现了饥荒They are working on the twin problems of flood and famine.他们正在解决水灾和饥荒这两个密切相关的问题。Food shortages are so severe that mass starvation is a definite possibility.食物严重短缺,必将出现大规模的饥荒It still leaves us with fundamental uncertainties about why the famine happened.这场饥荒为什么会发生,直到现在我们还没有从根本上弄明白。They sold grain on credit during times of famine.饥荒期间他们赊销粮食。Children in these famine-stricken areas simply cannot be protected from the horror all around them.根本无法保护这些饥荒地区的孩子不受恐怖的环境伤害。




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