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例句 He denounced the defection as a stab in the back.他谴责这一背叛行为是背后捅刀子。He denounced the plan as having sold the whole peaceful prospect down the river.他痛斥该计划把整个和平的希望出卖了。He bitterly denounced the indictment as politically motivated.他强烈谴责该项指控,认为其出于政治动机。The Republicans denounced the waste of public money involved in the new program.共和党人谴责新计划中浪费公款的行为。He denounced the proposal as a massive rip-off of the people.他谴责这提案是对人民大规模的巧取豪夺。He was denounced in all the highways and byways of the revolution.他受到革命阵营里方方面面的谴责。He denounced plutocrats and the idle rich.他谴责了财阀统治阶级和无所事事的有钱人。She denounced him to the police.她向警方告发了他。The Conservatives denounced it as socialistic.保守党谴责说那有社会主义倾向。Diplomats denounced the leaders for trampling their citizens' civil rights.外交官谴责这些领导人践踏其公民的公民权。The war crimes were denounced from the pulpit. 神职人员谴责战争罪行。Darwin's theories about evolution were denounced by many people.达尔文的进化理论受到许多人的谴责。He denounced the election as a farce.他指责选举是一场闹剧。The boundary changes were denounced as blatant gerrymandering.变更分界线的做法被抨击为赤裸裸的不公正划分选区行为。They denounced him to the police as a criminal.他们向警察告发,说他是罪犯。Someone must have denounced them to the authorities.一定有人向当局告发了他们。The thoroughbred breeding industry around the world has denounced this move.全世界纯种育种业都对这一举动予以谴责。Greene was denounced for betraying his Catholic beliefs and siding with the Communists.格林因背弃自己的天主教信仰转而支持共产主义者而受到谴责。The President denounced the press for engaging in 'sleaze' and called the story a lie.总统谴责媒体参与了肮脏交易,称该报道是谎言。The government was bitterly denounced for the emergency measures.政府因紧急措施遭到了强烈谴责。The party leadership denounced the Bill as elitist.该党领导层痛斥这一法案宣扬精英主义理念。The minister's action was denounced in the newspapers.这位部长的行为在报纸上受到谴责。He has been fiercely denounced by his former associates.他受到昔日同僚的严厉指责。He denounced the decision to invite his fellow archbishop to preach.他痛斥了邀请其他大主教同仁布道的决定。Her move was denounced by pro-democracy groups.她的提议遭到亲民主团体严厉批评。The government's economic policy has been denounced on all sides.政府的经济政策受到了各方面的谴责。She had to flee the country after being denounced as a spy to government authorities.有人向政府部门告发她是间谍,于是她不得不逃离那个国家。These new regulations have been widely denounced.这些新规遭到广泛谴责。Politicians across the political spectrum have denounced the act.各党派的政客们都对该行为表示谴责。Opponents denounced the decree as undemocratic and unconstitutional.反对派抨击该法令是不民主的、违反宪法的。He denounced what he called toytown revolutionaries advocating non-payment of taxes.他谴责他称为幼稚愚蠢的改革者鼓吹不缴纳税款。He publicly left the party and denounced its treacherous leaders.他公开脱离该党,并谴责了党内背信弃义的领导人。Party leaders denounced the allegation as a smear.政党领袖们谴责这份声明是恶意中伤。The film was denounced as sexist.这部电影被谴责带有性别歧视。They were denounced as heretics and burned at the stake.他们被公开谴责为异教徒并被处以火刑。He denounced the offenders to the authorities.他向当局告发了肇事者。Many of the world's leaders have already denounced this election as a sham.许多国家的领导人已经指责这次大选弄虚作假。The newspaper specifically denounced the new tax.这家报纸明确地谴责这项新税。He was publicly denounced as a traitor.他被公开谴责为叛徒。The removal of the patient consent requirement was denounced by the opposition.征得病人同意这项规定的取消受到了反对派的谴责。




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