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词汇 飞快地
例句 The snake glides swiftly towards its prey.飞快地朝着猎物滑过去。I was over the fence in double-quick time.飞快地越过了篱笆。Even a slight increase in temperature will cause bacteria to multiply very rapidly.即使是温度的略微上升都会导致细菌飞快地繁殖。She flicked through the clothes on the rack, looking for something suitable.飞快地翻看架子上的衣服,想找件合适的。They whipped off their shirts and dived into the pool.他们飞快地脱下衬衣,跳入水池里。The conductor's eyes darted to Wilfred, then fixed on Michael again.乐队指挥飞快地扫了威尔弗雷德一眼,然后视线又落回到迈克尔身上。He moved quickly into the pits and climbed rapidly out of the car.他迅速进入检修加油站,飞快地爬出赛车。Players were whipping their shirts off.运动员们在飞快地脱衬衫。His fingers moved rapidly over the keyboard.他的手指在键盘上飞快地移动。The horse came up fast on the inside.这匹马在内圈飞快地赶上来。Adam jumped from his seat at the girl's cry.亚当一听到那女孩的哭声,就飞快地从座位上站了起来。He whisked her across the dance floor.他带着她飞快地穿过舞池。His mind raced, trying to think of a way out of the situation.他的头脑飞快地思索着,试图想出一个摆脱困境的办法。The boat was now moving swiftly over the water.现在船在水面飞快地行驶。I drove like a bat out of hell to the hospital.飞快地开车赶往医院。Quickly tying a knot in his tie, John finished dressing and went to work.约翰飞快地在领带上打了个结,穿好衣服然后去上班了。As soon as they were safely back to shore, Dirk raced for the nearest phone.他们一安全抵岸,德克就飞快地奔向最近的电话。I got dressed quickly and ran outside.飞快地穿上衣服,跑了出去。It was all over very quickly.一切都飞快地结束了。Jessica scanned the lines, none of which had any punctuation.杰茜卡把这几行飞快地扫了一眼,没有任何一行加了标点。He flipped through the post without opening any of it.飞快地翻了一下邮件,但一封也没有打开。He raced into the village on his bike.他骑着自行车飞快地进了村。Biddy flashed off to the kitchen.比迪飞快地向厨房奔去。As she put down the phone, her brain was working overtime.她放下电话听筒时,脑子在飞快地思考。He jumped rapidly from captain through all the grades to colonel.飞快地从上尉一路越级提升为上校。My mind was working frantically, running over the events of the evening.我的大脑疯狂地运转,把那晚发生的事情飞快地一幕幕重演。The plane zapped across the sky in a flash.飞机飞快地掠过天空。They rushed her to hospital where doctors delivered her baby.他们飞快地将她送到医院,医生给她接生了。She picked a berry and popped it into her mouth.她摘了颗草莓,飞快地放进嘴里。They plied their paste brushes madly.他们飞快地用浆糊刷子刷浆糊。She riffled through the letters, but left them still unopened.飞快地把一应信件翻了一遍,但是一封也没去拆读。His eyes flicked quickly over the screen.飞快地瞟了一眼屏幕。The trees whirled past us as the train gathered speed.火车加快了速度,道旁树木飞快地从我们眼前掠过。The boy arrowed his way to the bus stop.那男孩飞快地奔向公车站。She hurried upstairs and quickly made the beds.她匆忙上楼,飞快地整理了床铺。He took a short length of rope and swiftly tied a slip knot.他拿起一小截绳子,飞快地打了个活结。She set off at a cracking pace.飞快地出发了。The boy catapulted out of the house.那男孩飞快地奔出屋子。Her dark eyes flashed and she spoke rapidly.飞快地说着,黑色的双眼放着光。He grabbed his coat on the run and raced after them.他边跑边抓起上衣,飞快地追赶他们而去。




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