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词汇 飙升
例句 She has been surging in the polls. 她在民意测验中的支持率一路飙升During the last month, we finally witnessed an upswing in our volumes of export.在上个月,我们终于看见出口的数量向上飙升Share prices have soared to a new all-time high in a day of frantic trading on the stock market.股票市场经过一天的紧张交易后,股价飙升至历史新高。Des O'Connor is expecting to have the last laugh on his critics by soaring to the top of the Christmas hit parade.德斯·奥康纳预计会飙升至圣诞畅销唱片排行榜的榜首,这将让他的批评者都笑不出来。Both countries suffer from soaring unemployment, large budget deficits and wobbly financial sectors.两国都深受失业率飙升、巨额预算赤字以及金融部门岌岌可危之苦。House prices suddenly zoomed up last year.去年房价突然飙升Investors are weighing their next moves after the stock market climbed to record heights yesterday.昨天的股票市场飙升至历史高位后,投资者在仔细考虑下一步行动。The band has enjoyed a seemingly unstoppable rise in popularity.这个乐队人气飙升,大有不可阻挡之势。Despite numerous attempts to diet, her weight soared.尽管多次尝试节食,她的体重仍然飙升了。Houses in the village are selling for astronomical prices.乡村的房价正在飙升House prices now seem to be levelling off after the steep rises of the last few years.房价经过这几年的飙升后目前似乎已趋于稳定。America's trade deficit ballooned to unprecedented levels.美国的贸易逆差飙升至前所未有的水平。The ratings went shooting up overnight.收视率一夜之间飙升The severe housing shortage is largely to blame for the inflated rents.房租飙升主要应归咎于住房的严重短缺。This should send our sales into the stratosphere.这应该会使我们的销售额一路飙升Growth rocketed to near record levels, bounding back from an economic morass.经济增长从困境中恢复,飙升到了接近创纪录的水平。The rising number of car crimes is a nationwide problem.汽车犯罪数量不断飙升是全国性的问题。Unemployment among the refugees has risen sharply.难民失业率飙升Several start-up Net companies saw their share prices rocket in the first few years, only to see them plunge as the recession hit.一些新兴的网络公司在头几年里股价飙升,可是经济一衰退,股价就狂泻不止。Blue chip issues were sharply higher, but the rest of the market actually declined slightly by the end of the day.蓝筹股一路飙升,但股市其他股票却在当天收盘时稍有走低。The company's stock was riding high after the merger.合并之后这家公司的股票一路飙升Fuel prices are going through the ceiling. 燃油价格一路飙升




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