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His landscapes have a strong Italian flavour.他的风景画带有强烈的意大利风格。The setting sun cast long shadows over the landscape.落日在这幅风景画上投下长长的影子。She preferred a good landscape to a portrait.较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。She painted the landscape on a square canvas.她将风景画在了一块方形画布上。He entered a landscape painting in the Exposition.他把一幅风景画送展览会展出。This artist is much looked up to for his landscape paintings.这位画家的风景画备受推崇。She does lovely landscapes.她能画优美的风景画。Constable's landscapes met with indifference when they were first exhibited.康斯特布尔的风景画首次展出时受到了冷遇。Her oeuvre consists mostly of landscapes.她的绘画全集主要为风景画。He was principally a landscape painter.他主要是风景画画家。Ortega's cheerful landscapes are the polar opposites of Miller's dark, troubled portraits.奥尔特加明快的风景画同米勒阴郁的肖像画截然相反。There was an intimate charm in the landscape.这幅风景画含有一种怡人的魅力。Constable posters decorate the walls.康斯太布尔风景画的海报装点着那些墙面。The pictures in Paul Gunn's exhibition were all landscapes, most beautifully painted in oils.保罗·岗恩画展的作品都是很美的风景画,大部分是油画。He was one of Australia's most distinguished artists, renowned for his portraits, landscapes and nudes.他是澳大利亚最为杰出的艺术家之一,以肖像画、风景画和裸体画而闻名。Sometimes he took a sketchbook and did roughs for future landscapes.有时他带着速写簿,在上面画几张风景画草稿。Just wash the scenery over here and there with lighter tints.给这风景画四下着上些淡色吧。She is a competent portrait painter but she excels with landscapes.她是个合格的肖像画家,但她更擅长风景画。Vegetation is almost entirely absent from the landscape.这张风景画上几乎看不到一点植物。 |