例句 |
His pen name represented the transposition of his initials and his middle name.他的笔名是他姓名首字母与中名顺序的颠倒。The reversed day presents itself.一天自然就颠倒了过来。Luckily, when he unrolled it, it had been upside-down from the point of view of the telescreen.可幸他打开纸卷时,从电幕那边看,照片是颠倒的。Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the ZIP code.很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。Traditional gender roles are reversed in their household.传统的性别角色在他们家里颠倒了过来。But that's an upside-down way to approach our lives.这种做法是以一种颠倒的方式对待生活。They turned the truth upside down.他们颠倒事实真相。Everything he saw was upside down.他看到的一切都是颠倒的。As the roller coaster turned upside down I shut my eyes and held on tight.过山车颠倒了过来,我闭上眼睛,抓得紧紧的。He got the commands back to front and the program didn't work.他把指令颠倒了,程序没有运行。The painting was hung the wrong way up.这幅画挂颠倒了。Now that we are rich and they are poor, the shoe is on the other foot.现在我们变富他们变穷,位置已经颠倒了。War turns morality inside out: killing and cruelty are virtues.战争颠倒了道德观:杀戮和残忍成了美德。We had reversed the running order.我们已经颠倒了节目的播放顺序。Many people inadvertently transpose digits of the postcode.很多人疏忽之下会颠倒邮政编码中数字的顺序。The lens inverts the image.镜头使影像颠倒。Peter wrote the words of the sentence out of order.彼得把句中的词序写颠倒了。His buzzer beater totally upended the game.他的最后一记压哨球让比赛的结果颠倒了。We reversed the running order.我们颠倒了节目的播放顺序。 |