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词汇 频繁地
例句 He uses slang words with great frequency.他极其频繁地使用俚语。Why do strikes occur so frequently in coal mines in the first place?罢工如此频繁地在煤矿发生,究竟是什么原因? He overworks the melody in the song.他在这首歌中过于频繁地使用了这一旋律。Workers are hopping from job to job as never before.工人们以前所未有的速度频繁地更换着工作。Our patrols were frequently tasked to observe and report front-line positions.我们的侦察队频繁地接到任务去侦察和报告前线的位置。You have to be willing to change jobs frequently if you want to get to the top in business.如果你想事业有成,就必须愿意频繁地换工作。They seem to be getting into arguments more and more often.他们似乎越来越频繁地陷入争吵。People didn't travel so much in the olden days.从前的人可不这么频繁地旅行。It is now usual to revalue property assets on a more regular basis.更加频繁地对不动产进行重新估价如今已很平常。They frequently move around the country in pursuit of a medical career.他们因为从医而频繁地在国内四处奔走。He had taken to stopping over at Ruth's more and more often.他已经习惯越来越频繁地去露丝家过夜。Men increasingly find that women are taking their jobs.男人越来越频繁地看到女人在抢他们的工作。Paul visited the local bars more frequently than was decent for a senior lecturer.保罗过于频繁地光顾当地酒吧,不太合乎高级讲师的身份。Ageing aircraft need more frequent safety inspections.老化的飞机需要更加频繁地进行安全检查。Asthma can be made worse by using puffers too often.过于频繁地使用吸入器可能会加重哮喘。Her name crops up frequently in writings about the Renaissance.她的名字频繁地出现在有关文艺复兴的作品中。A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club.一辆区间公交车频繁地往返于这家旅馆和那个乡村俱乐部。Both men continually bad-mouthed each other.两个人都在背地里频繁地互相攻击。I wish I didn't have to travel so much.我真希望不要这么频繁地出差。You won't have to drain the pool so often.你不必这么频繁地放掉池子里的水。She called her family at frequent intervals.频繁地打电话回家。This song has been heavily sampled.这首歌的片段频繁地出现在新曲中。Financial crises erupt with increasing regularity.金融危机越来越频繁地发生。Accidents are happening with increasing frequency.事故正在愈加频繁地发生。




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