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词汇 顺利
例句 Despite some initial difficulties, everything turned out well.除了开始有一些困难,一切都很顺利He has recorded two smooth successes over hurdles and has to be a banker for one of the hurdle races.他已经顺利拿下了两场障碍赛,肯定能再赢一场的。I haven't finished all my Christmas shopping yet but I've made a good start.圣诞节采购我还没有全部完成,但是开始得很顺利The factory has worked successfully since its trial run last year.工厂自从去年试运行以来,生产很顺利If the interview goes well it could be the passport to an exciting new career.面试顺利的话,将获得令人兴奋的新工作。Everything was going fine.一切都很顺利The preparations for the wedding were fraught with difficulties, but finally everything went well.婚礼的准备工作中困难颇多,但最后一切都很顺利It was a fiasco! Nobody knew what they were doing and everything went wrong.彻底完蛋了!没人知道他们在搞些什么,没有一件事是顺利的。The concert went like clockwork.音乐会进行得很顺利Anne Boleyn had several miscarriages and produced only one surviving child.安妮·博林流产过好几次,只有一个孩子顺利生了下来。The voting process was smooth and, for the most part, well-run.选举过程很顺利,大部分情况下都组织得井井有条。I just don't know if things are going to work out.我根本不清楚事情发展是否顺利Except for the priest forgetting the groom's middle name, the ceremony came off without a hitch.除了牧师把新郎的中间名忘了之外,婚礼进行得还算顺利Everything is going A-OK.一切进行得很顺利My friends wished me well in my new job.我的朋友们祝我新工作顺利The new government has promised a smooth transition of power.新政府承诺政权的顺利交接。I've had a good run for my money, but it's time to retire.我长期以来都很顺利,但现在该是引退的时候了。Persuading the bank to lend you money is a difficult task at the best of times.即使在最顺利的情况下,说服银行贷款给你也是件困难的事。Everything was going OK until the printer stopped working.打印机停止工作之前,一切还算顺利Everything is smooth just now.此时此刻,诸事顺利The operation went fine, and they figure he'll be home next week.手术进行得很顺利,他们估计他下周可以回家了。As you'll have read in our news pages, all has not been well of late.正如你会从我们的新闻版面中看到的一样,最近一切都不太顺利I just called to make sure that you got there okay.我打电话来就是确认一下你是否顺利到达。You'll get on well as long as the boss smiles on you.只要老板偏爱你,你会很顺利的。She seemed to push all the right buttons.她好像步步正确,一路顺利Success was assured and, at least to start with, the system operated smoothly.成功有保证了,至少该系统一开始运行得挺顺利Carly's parents are praying that the operation will succeed.卡莉的双亲在祈祷手术顺利Everything went quite straightforwardly.一切都很顺利Up to now, the work has been quite smooth.到目前为止,工作很顺利My first pregnancy was very straightforward - there were no complications.我第一次怀孕很顺利——没有并发症。Bye Sarah, have a safe journey.再见萨拉,旅途顺利We had a couple of false starts because of computer problems, but now the project has really begun.由于计算机方面的问题,我们的项目在初始阶段失败了几次,但是现在已经顺利展开。I'm happy that everything worked out well in the end.我很高兴到最后一切都很顺利We had some problems at first, but now things are going just great.刚开始我们有些困难,但现在事情进展很顺利I took the risk and hoped for the best.我冒了这个险,心里祈祷能够诸事顺利Things were going well for her till she fell foul of the director.与主管产生分歧之前,她的工作进展得很顺利Her early efforts at writing a novel were awkward.他早期写小说的尝试不太顺利Everything was going along just fine until she turned up!就在她出现以前,一切都进展得很顺利When you are playing well, everything falls into place.你表演顺利时一切都从心所愿。Everything went smoothly.一切都很顺利




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