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词汇 Democrats
例句 The Democrats are now in danger of giving the whole election away.现在民主党处境不利,有可能会输掉这次大选。The Liberal Democrats have been in government for five years now.自由民主党现在已经执政五年了。The President is willing to negotiate with the Democrats.总统愿意与民主党人士商谈。The Republicans/Democrats are currently the majority in the Senate.共和党/民主党目前是参议院的多数党。Things look very rosy for the Social Democrats.对社会民主党人来说形势一片大好。It looks like the Democrats have the election sewn up.看来这次选举民主党赢定了。The government was still in effect a ragbag of Social Democrats and Liberals.该政府实际上仍是一个由社会民主党和自由党混合组成的大杂烩。The Democrats have emerged triumphant from the political crisis.民主党人克服了这场政治危机,出了头。Democrats say arguments against the bill won't hold up.民主党人声称反对该议案的论点站不住脚。They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.他们一直在互相指责,其中民主党一方抨击总统的对外政策。The Democrats have been taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.民主党人一直在抨击总统的外交政策。The Labour Party contracted an alliance with the Liberal Democrats.工党与自民党签订盟约。They are certainly outnumbered by the Social Democrats.他们在数量上肯定不及社会民主党人。The Justice Party in a sense was the residuary legatee of the old Democrats.正义党从某种意义上说乃是民主党遗老们的继承人。The Democrats are hoping to deny him a third term in office.民主党希望能阻止他第三度连任。The leader of the Liberal Democrats accused the Prime Minister of whistling in the wind to raise Conservative party morale.自由民主党领导人指责首相鼓舞保守党士气之举根本就是徒劳。They are now in a position to govern the state in alliance with either the Free Democrats or the Green Party.他们现在可以选择与自由民主党人或绿党结盟来执掌国家政权。The Social Democrats wanted to occupy the middle ground between the Conservative and Labor parties in Britain.社会民主党想在英国的保守党和工党之间采取中间立场。He was the scourge of the Democrats.他是民主党的麻烦制造者。The government was still in effect a ragbag of Social Democrats and Liberals.政府实际上是社会民主党人和自由党人的大杂烩。The meeting turned out to be a grilling by Democrats of the Republican senator about his proposal.这次会议结果成了民主党向这位共和党参议员的提议发难的一场责问会。The Democrats hold the edge in the Senate.民主党人在参议院中占优势。Everyone expected the Democrats to win easily.大家都预料民主党会轻松得胜。The Democrats are simply engaging in partisan politics.民主党只是搞党派政治。Politically, raising the minimum wage is good for the Democrats.从政治上来说,提高最低工资对民主党有好处。Some Democrats believed they lost the election because many poor women didn't turn out to vote.有些民主党人认为,因为许多穷苦女性没有出来投票,所以他们在选举中失利。The Democrats organized a show of strength, a mass rally in Central Park.民主党人在中央公园组织了一次群众集会来显示实力。Democrats plan to meet the Governor halfway on welfare cuts.民主党打算在削减福利问题上向州长退让一步。The legislation was drafted by House Democrats.法律由众议院民主党草拟。The Democrats, significantly, finished well behind the Green Party.值得注意的是,民主党的得票数远远落后于绿党。The Democrats went into this election in an optimistic mood.民主党以一种乐观的心态参加此次选举。The Democrats are in danger of alienating their traditional supporters.民主党人士有疏远历来的拥护者的危险。A poll of Democrats shows that a majority support the President.对民主党的一次民意测验显示大多数人都支持总统。In their election manifesto, the Liberal Democrats proposed increasing taxes to pay for improvements in education.在竞选宣言中,自由民主党人提出增加税收以支付改善教育的费用。He faces growing unease among the Democrats about the likelihood of war.他面临民主党内对可能出现的战事不断滋长的不满情绪。The Democrats grew increasingly sure-footed.民主党人越来越稳健了。Some Democrats support granting the Haitians temporary safe haven in the US.一些民主党人支持为海地人在美国提供临时避难所。The Democrats are pinning their hopes on the next election.民主党人把希望寄托在下次选举上。Everyone expected the Democrats to lose the election.大家都预料民主党会败选。The financial markets gave a muted response to the Democrats' triumph.金融市场对民主党的胜利反响不大。




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