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词汇 音乐家
例句 The conductor of the orchestra is a musician.管弦乐队的指挥是个音乐家Brass players have a reputation as the most extroverted musicians - they're the party animals of the orchestra.铜管乐师以性格最为外向的音乐家而出名,他们是乐队里最爱参加聚会的一群人。He considers himself a great singer, but he's really a pygmy when compared with real musicians.他自以为是个大歌唱家,但与真正的音乐家比起来实在是太渺小了。She's a very talented musician.她是个很有才华的音乐家You can't compare Charlie Parker with John Coltrane. They were completely different musicians.你无法比较查利·帕克和约翰·克特兰。他们是完全不同的音乐家He was a practiced musician.他是一位演技娴熟的音乐家He's a fine musician.他是一位杰出的音乐家Five musicians were on hand to accompany her.现有;五位音乐家可以给她伴奏。Few musicians are as versatile as he is: he plays, composes, arranges, and teaches.很少有音乐家像他这样多才多艺:演奏、作曲、编曲和教学他都会。The concert features dancers and musicians of all nationalities.这场音乐会云集了各国的舞蹈家和音乐家The musician spends years perfecting his craft.这位音乐家花了很多年的时间来完善自己的专业。The musicians are talented and enthusiastic about their new venture.这些音乐家很有天赋,他们对自己的新尝试充满热情。Their musician father encouraged their love of music.他们做音乐家的父亲鼓励他们热爱音乐。Onstage, the musicians are actually sitting behind the loudspeakers.在台上,音乐家们实际上坐在扬声器后面演奏。His friends are all artistic - they're painters, musicians, and writers.他的朋友们都很有艺术造诣——他们尽是些画家、音乐家和作家。She counts several musicians among her friends. 她的朋友当中有几位是音乐家There was a sudden hush as the musicians came onto the stage.那些音乐家上台时,台下突然静了下来。She scouts young musicians for one of the country's top orchestras.她为国内一家顶级的管弦乐团物色年轻的音乐家He's a writer, politician, musician and athlete - a real Renaissance man.他是个作家、政治家、音乐家和运动员——确实是一个多才多艺的人。He strove to be recognized as a musician.他力争成为一名社会公认的音乐家It took the musicians two days to record the soundtrack.几名音乐家花了两天时间来录制电影配乐。Over the years I've come to the conclusion that she's a very great musician.这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一个非常了不起的音乐家The musician met an untimely demise.这位音乐家英年早逝。Wednesday's Prom featured the London Mozart Players.周三音乐会为伦敦莫扎特音乐家乐团专场。Some of these young musicians are hugely talented.这些年轻的音乐家中有些极有才华。Brian always got a charge out of working with younger musicians.布赖恩总是能从和年轻音乐家共事中获得乐趣。The musicians wove together a beautiful and complex melody.音乐家们编了一首优美而复杂的曲子。He was a deeply serious musician who had shown his brilliance very early.他是个很严肃的音乐家,很早就展露出非凡的才华。Being a good musician takes a lot of practice.要成为一名优秀的音乐家需要大量的练习。He not only wants to be taken seriously as a musician, but as a poet too.他不仅希望被人当成一个真正的音乐家,还希望被看成一个诗人。Other musicians were amazed by Parker's effortless improvisational skill.帕克轻松即兴演奏的技巧令其他音乐家惊叹。He was many things in his time – musician, pilot, cattle-rancher, industrialist, journalist.他一生身份殊多 — 音乐家、飞行员、养牛的牧场主、实业家和记者。You could draw a parallel between journalists and musicians.你可以拿记者和音乐家做个比较。The award enhanced the musician's status.这项奖励提高了这位音乐家的地位。They're a bunch of wannabe musicians who don't know which way up to hold their guitars.他们是一群梦想成为音乐家但却连吉他怎么拿都不知道的人。Jim seems bent on becoming a musician.吉姆似乎下决心要成为音乐家The musician rented a flat in a fashionable area of London.那位音乐家在伦敦高级住宅区租了一套房。The programme is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts.该节目重新开播了,新系列中汇集了一大批音乐家和喜剧剧目。Brendel is certainly a fine musician. Indeed, I regard him as one of the greatest pianists of our time.布兰德尔当然是一位优秀的音乐家,我甚至认为他是我们这个时代最伟大的钢琴家之一。She's a very talented musician, and we think she has a great future.她是个很有才华的音乐家,我们认为她前程似锦。




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