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The house was once occupied by Noah Webster of dictionary fame. 以编纂词典闻名的诺亚·韦伯斯特曾经在这栋房子里住过。Webster has not played since suffering a hamstring injury in the opening game.韦伯斯特自从在首场比赛中伤了绳肌腱后就再也没有参赛了。Webster is a great success in his chosen field.韦伯斯特在他自己所选择的领域里取得了巨大的成功。Merriam-Webster Inc.梅里亚姆一韦伯斯特公司Webster had confirmed that she'd been deputed by the Dowager.韦伯斯特已经证实她已得到该贵夫人的委任。Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).韦伯斯特即将从中央情报局局长的位子上退下来。Those characteristics are abundantly evident in Webster's essay.在韦伯斯特的论文里这些特点表现得非常充分。 |