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They ran to the center of the tent to take their bows.他们跑到帐篷中央鞠躬致意。The pianist stood up and bowed to the audience.钢琴家站起来向观众鞠躬。The clapping increased as the lead actors bowed to the audience.当主要演员向观众鞠躬致意时,掌声更加热烈了。The actors bowed low to the audience.演员们向观众深深地鞠躬。The music ended and the girl took a bow.音乐结束,女孩鞠躬致谢。He greeted her with a gallant bow.他殷勤地鞠躬迎接她。The singer stood with bent head.那名歌手低头站着(鞠躬致谢)。People bowed in homage to the king as he passed by.国王经过时,人们都向他鞠躬致敬。He stood by the door to welcome the guests, bowing formally to each one in turn.他站在门口迎接客人,一板一眼地逐一向来宾鞠躬。He smiled and bowed obsequiously to Winger.他谄媚地对温格微笑鞠躬。They made obeisance to the sultan.他们向苏丹鞠躬行礼。All the men turned and bowed as the Emperor passed.皇帝经过时,所有人都转过身来鞠躬。The men bowed and the women curtsied as the royal couple walked past.王室伉俪经过时,男士鞠躬,女士行屈膝礼。The cast all lined up on stage to take their bow.全体演员都在台上站成一排向观众鞠躬。He bowed politely and introduced himself to us.他礼貌地鞠躬并向我们做自我介绍。I wish him a hello, and he never raps to me but only bows.我向他打招呼,可他总是不和我说一句话,只是鞠躬。They bowed to each other and began talking.他们互相鞠躬后,开始交谈。She bowed down in front of the altar.她在圣坛前鞠躬。Archer bowed and left the stage.阿彻鞠躬后离开了舞台。The two servants bowed and left the room.两个仆从鞠躬后离开了房间。Paul rose from his chair, bowed, and left the room.保罗从座位上站起来,鞠躬,然后离开了房间。One by one they came forward, mumbled grudging words of welcome, made awkward obeisances.他们挨个儿走上前去,勉强地咕哝出几句欢迎词,生硬地鞠躬致礼。She bowed to the audience and walked off stage.她向观众鞠躬,然后走下了舞台。They bowed before the king as a sign of respect.他们向国王鞠躬以示尊敬。Mustafa takes his hand and instructs him when to stand and when to make an obeisance.穆斯塔法握着他的手,教他何时站立、何时鞠躬。The famous singer took a bow to the thundering applause of the audience.这位著名歌唱家在听众雷鸣般掌声中鞠躬致谢。The actors bowed their thanks at the end of the play.演出结束时演员们鞠躬致谢。I made a little hint of a polite bow as she passed me.当她在我身旁走过时,我稍微弯了一下腰以表示礼节性鞠躬。They bowed low to Louis and hastened out of his way.他们向路易斯深深鞠躬,并忙不迭地给他让道。 |