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词汇 面糊
例句 I started mixing the batter for the pancakes.我开始和摊煎饼的面糊Add more water to get a thinner batter.再多加点水,让面糊更稀些。Mix the flour with enough water to form a thick paste.将面粉和足够的水混合,搅拌成稠面糊Spoon the batter into the prepared pan, smoothing over the top with a spatula.面糊舀入备好的平底锅中,用刮铲将表面抹平。He then sticks it back together with flour paste.然后他用面糊把它重新粘了起来。Dip the fish in a batter of flour, milk, and eggs.把鱼在由面粉、牛奶和鸡蛋调成的面糊里蘸一下。Blend the flour with a little milk to make a smooth paste.加点儿牛奶在面里,调匀面糊The batter was too stiff to beat.面糊太稠了,不容易搅拌。Stir the batter every now and then to keep it from separating.不时搅动面糊,防止其成分散开。Whisk the batter with a wire whisk or hand beater until it is smooth and light.用搅打器或手动搅拌器将面糊搅打均匀暄软。Dip the fish in batter and fry it in hot oil.将鱼在面糊里浸一下,然后在热油里炸。Pour the batter into a prepared pan.面糊倒入准备好的平底锅内。A piece of shell fell into the cake mixture.有片蛋壳掉进蛋糕面糊里了。She mixed a batter made of flour, eggs, and water.她用面粉、鸡蛋和水调了一份面糊The batter should have/be the consistency of pudding.面糊的黏稠度应该和布丁差不多。The batter rises as it bakes.烘烤的时候,面糊会膨胀起来。The batter is squirted into round molds, then baked.面糊喷到圆形模具里,然后烘烤。Slowly beat the sugar into the batter. = Slowly beat in the sugar. = Slowly beat the sugar in.慢慢地把糖搅进面糊里。The batter was a bit sloppy so I added some more flour.面糊有点儿稀,于是我又加进了一些面粉。Carefully mix the flour into the batter.仔细将面粉搅入面糊中。This kind of mixer produces light, silky, even-textured batters.这种搅拌机能搅拌出稀薄、柔滑、质地均匀的面糊The little girl stuck her fingers in the batter.小女孩把手指插进面糊里。Grease the pan before you pour the batter in.面糊倒入锅里之前,要在锅底涂上油。Spear a piece of fish with a carving fork and dip it in the batter.用切肉叉叉一片鱼肉,在面糊里蘸一下。Using a wooden spoon, stir to a soft batter.用木勺搅成软面糊The batter rises as it bakes.面糊在烤的过程中会发起来。The shrimp are dipped in batter and then fried.将虾蘸上面糊,然后下锅油炸。She tipped the batter into a large bowl.她把面糊倒进一个大碗。For these crepes you will need a fairly thin batter, so do not add too much flour.做这种煎饼要用比较稀的面糊,所以不要放太多的面粉。




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