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例句 She turned and faced the window.她转过身去,面对着窗户。She could see a figure sitting immobile, facing the sea.她看到一个人影坐着一动不动,面对着大海。He stopped and faced her, releasing her wrist.他停下来面对着她,放开了她的手腕。The museum's front elevation faces the university.博物馆的正面对着大学。Throwing caution to the winds, she swung around to face him.她不顾一切地转过身来面对着他。They face a myriad of problems bringing up children.他们在养育孩子这件事上面对着无数的问题。He wheeled about and faced his opponent squarely.他转过身来面对着他的对手。She swallowed her anger and turned to face him.她忍住怒气,转过身来面对着他。He straightened up slowly and spun around on the stool to face us.他慢慢直起身子,坐在凳子上转过身来面对着我们。She stood up from the table and faced him.她从桌前站起来,面对着他。Katharine spun round to face him.凯瑟琳猛地转过身,面对着他。He twisted sideways to face her.他侧扭过身体去面对着她。He spun around to face her.他转过身来面对着她。She twirled around angrily to face him.她愤怒地转过身面对着他。He swivelled round to face Sarah.他转身面对着萨拉。He faced the clock toward the wall.他把钟面对着墙壁。She turned and faced the wall.她转过身面对着墙。He twisted around to face me.他转过身来面对着我。He was pulled round to face a pair of glaring eyes.他被拉转身去面对着一双喷射怒火的眼睛。Faced with mounting debts, the decision to call it a day was inevitable.面对着不断增加的债务,作出停业的决定是在所难免的。Hearing a sarcastic note in his voice, she swung around to face him.听到他话中的讽刺口气,她猛然转过身面对着他。She turned to face him, her anger apparently gone.她转过身面对着他,好像怒气已经消退了。They sat on the sofa in front of a blazing fire.他们坐在沙发上,面对着熊熊燃烧着的炉火。He punched the wall angrily, then spun round to face her.他生气地用拳捶墙,接着转过身来面对着她。She turned and faced him, her eyes blazing.她转身面对着他,两眼闪闪发亮。He spun around on the stool to face us.他坐在凳子上转过身来面对着我们。She was faced with a new job, in unfamiliar surroundings with strange people.面对着一份全新工作,周围是陌生的环境和陌生的人。The rioters faced police who were wielding clubs and batons.暴动者面对着挥舞棍棒的警察。Pike reined his horse around to face Rock.派克勒马转身,面对着罗克。She found herself looking down the barrel of a gun.她发觉自己正面对着枪口。The star was confronted by a battery of cameras.明星面对着一排镜头。Anna swivelled round to face him.安娜转过身来面对着他。




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