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例句 Faced with strong opposition in Parliament, he was forced to retreat.由于在议会面对巨大阻力,他被迫放弃立场。Marcus remained placid in the face of her outburst.马库斯面对她的发作保持平静。You shouldn't keep running away. You should face your mom and tell her how you feel.你不应该总是逃避。你应该面对你的母亲并且告诉她你的感受。Even clever people are not terribly clever when put on the spot.即便是聪明人在面对难题时也未必就能表现得特别聪明。It is a frightening world in which humans can do little to affect their fatal destiny.这是一个可怕的世界,人们面对注定了的命运几乎无能为力。The luck of the draw meant the young lad had to face one of America's best players.完全是运气使然,这位小伙子必须面对一位美国一流选手。The ill-prepared troops were left to face certain defeat.准备不足的部队只能面对不可避免的失败。She never flinched from danger.面对危险从不畏缩。Mixing his metaphors, he described the problem by saying "We've opened up a can of worms here, and now we have to get the genie back in the bottle".他用混合隐喻形容面对的问题,“我们打开了一个‘虫罐子’,现在我们必须把妖怪放回瓶子里去”。He was too fragile to handle the truth.他太脆弱,无法面对事情的真相。She closed her eyes against the brightness of the sun.面对太阳的光芒,她闭起双目。We may find we come up against quite a lot of opposition from local people.我们可能会发现得面对当地很多人的反对。Unfortunately, it's the poor who are most vulnerable to this kind of economic shock.不幸的是,面对这种经济突变,穷人的承受力最低。It is important for us to meet personally although we have been in touch in various ways.尽管我们以多种方式保持联系,见面对我们来说还是非常重要的。The battalion stood its ground in the face of repeated attacks.这个营面对一轮轮进攻始终坚守阵地。They played well against good opposition.他们面对强敌打得很出色。You'll have to face her, and the sooner the better.你必须得面对她,而且越快越好。The civilians were helpless against their attackers.平民面对袭击者无力抵抗。It takes great courage to face your child and tell them the truth.面对子女讲出真相,需要很大的勇气。I was gradually being brought face to face with the fact that I had very little success.我渐渐开始面对这个事实,那就是我几乎一事无成。She half hoped he would not find her, though she knew she would have to face him sooner or later.她心存侥幸,希望他找不到她,可是她知道早晚有一天要面对他的。Union leaders know that they have a real fight on their hands.工会领导人知道他们要面对一场真正的战斗。He was forced to confront his forgotten past.他被迫面对自己已忘却的过去。He whipped round to face them.他突然转身面对他们。She appeared quite undismayed over Amelia's reproaches.面对阿米莉娅的指责显得相当镇定。The council is standing firm against the barrage of protest.委员会面对接二连三的抗议拒不让步。I nerved myself to face the pain.我鼓足勇气去面对痛苦。He leapt back in shock at this sudden intrusion.面对这一突然的闯入,他惊得往后一跳。He knew that he would be facing an angry crowd, but he entered the lion's den without hesitating.他知道自己要面对愤怒的群众,但他毫不犹豫地走进虎穴。He's adopted a remarkably light-hearted attitude towards the situation.面对这种局面,他摆出了一种异乎寻常的轻描淡写的态度。You're facing a much more experienced opponent in tomorrow's match.你在明天的比赛中将面对一个更有经验的对手。She had to contend with the boozing and girl-chasing of her husband.她不得不面对丈夫的酗酒和花心。They united in the face of a common enemy.面对共同的敌人,他们联合起来了。Afraid of bad publicity, the department had suddenly become very twitchy about journalists.该部门害怕出现负面宣传,在面对记者时突然变得手足无措。The government wilted in the face of such powerful pressure.政府面对如此大的压力,失去了信心。On their home field, England bowed the knee to the undisputed champions of the world.在主场,英格兰队面对这支无可争议的世界冠军队伍,只能俯首称臣。The customer is faced with a formidable array of products.顾客要面对数量大得惊人的产品。Anne didn't shrink from the difficult issues facing parents.面对父母的难题面前,安妮没有退缩。If you lose the case, you will face substantial legal costs.如果输了官司,你将面对大笔的诉讼费用。Barton seemed unfazed by the accusations of corruption.面对收受贿赂的指控,巴顿似乎若无其事。




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