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词汇 面团
例句 Flour can mix with water to make a paste.面粉可以和水混合做成面团These doughs can be rolled out while you wait for the pastry to chill.在等油酥糕饼凉的时候,可以把这些面团擀薄些。Brush the dough with egg wash.把蛋浆刷到面团上。She pressed the ball of dough flat.她把面团压扁。If the dough is sticky, add more flour.如果面团太黏,就再加点面粉。Stir the ingredients to form a paste.搅拌各种配料和成面团She punched an opening through the dough with her finger.她用手指在面团上戳开一个洞。Place the dough on a lightly floured board.把揉好的面团放到撒有一层薄薄的面粉的木板上。Refrigerate the dough for a minimum of two hours. 面团放在冰箱里冷藏至少两小时。Knead the dough to the right consistency.面团揉到合适的硬度。Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface.面团倒在撒了少许面粉的案板上。Cover the bowl and refrigerate the dough overnight.盖好碗,将面团冷藏一晚上。When the dough is chilled, break pieces of the dough off with your fingers, and roll into small balls.等生面团冷了,就用手掰下一块块小面团搓成圆球。Roll out the pizza dough on a well-floured surface.在撒好面粉的面板上把做比萨饼的面团擀平。Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured board.面团拿出来,放在撒过薄薄一层面粉的板上。Roll the pasta out as thinly as possible.面团擀开,擀得越薄越好。Poke a hole in the dough, and then form it into a rounded shape.面团上戳个洞,然后把它做成一个环形。Use your fingertips to gently flatten the pastry.用指尖轻轻地把面团弄平。Roll out your pizza dough and place on a floured baking sheet.把比萨饼面团擀好,然后放在撒过面粉的烘烤板上。Roll the dough very thinly.面团擀得很薄。Roll the dough into a ball.面团揉成球状。Cut the dough into four and flatten each piece slightly.面团切成四块,逐每块轻轻压扁。Cut the cookie dough into diamonds.把做曲奇饼干的面团切成菱形。Chill the cookie dough until it is more workable.将饼干面团冷却,直到它更容易成形。The dough is shaped into balls and fried.面团揉成球后油炸。The dough should be soft but not sticky.面团应该软而不黏。Leave the dough somewhere warm to rise.面团放在温暖的地方发酵。He worked on the filling while I prepared the pastry.他做馅,我准备面团The cook pummelled at the dough.厨师反复捶打面团Roll the dough into small balls.面团搓成小丸子。Refrigerate the dough overnight.面团冷藏过夜。Roll out the dough on a floured surface.面团放在撒好面粉的台面上擀薄。Shape the dough into small balls.面团搓成小圆球。The dough will rise until it is double in bulk.面团会发酵到原来的两倍大。Brush the pastry with a little beaten egg.面团上涂上少量蛋液。Shape the dough mixture into small balls.面团混合物揉成小圆球。Using the heel of your hand, press the dough firmly into shape.用手掌根用力把面团压成形。I added a little milk to mix the dough to the right consistency.我加了一点儿牛奶,好让面团稠度适中。If you overwork the dough, the bread will be tough.如果面团揉过了头,面包会发硬。Water will hold the dough together.水会使面团保持黏结。




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