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词汇 非常逼真
例句 Simulators are very realistic, but they don't compare to the actual experience of flying an airplane.模拟器非常逼真,但是和驾驶飞机的真实体验是不能相比的。The best ink-jet printers can reproduce photographs with amazing fidelity.最好的喷墨打印机输出的照片效果会非常逼真A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.一幅他两个女儿非常逼真的画像挂在墙上。Children's toy guns now look so realistic that they can often pass for the real thing.如今孩子们的玩具枪非常逼真,常常会被误认为是真枪。The sound effect is very realistic.音响效果非常逼真His model cars are faithful copies of the originals.他的车模非常逼真The computer model is able to mimic very closely the actions of a golfer.这个计算机模型能够非常逼真地模仿高尔夫球手的各种动作。




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