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词汇 delivers
例句 The digital music player delivers phenomenal sound.这台数码音乐播放器音质非常棒。The company delivers cases of wine carriage free to any address in the U.K. mainland.该公司为英国大陆所有地区提供免费运送整箱葡萄酒服务。The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.邮差每天早晨递送信件和包裹。The car delivers excellent/poor gas mileage.这款汽车具有出色/很差的油耗性能。With its own fleet of trucks, the company delivers most orders overnight.这个公司拥有自己的货车车队,大多数订购货品可以隔日送到。The company manufactures and delivers paper and paper products.这家公司生产并运送纸张和纸制品。The heat-controlled implant delivers insulin on demand.受温度控制的埋置在需要时释放胰岛素。This blond man delivers newspaper every morning.这个白肤金发碧眼的男人每天早晨送报纸。The novel delivers an inspiring look into the life and ideas of Gandhi.这本小说对甘地的一生和思想做了振奋人心的描述。My son has a newspaper route. He delivers the morning paper.我儿子有划定的送报地区。 他送晨报。The Supreme Court usually delivers its opinions on Mondays.联邦高等法院通常于星期一宣布其判定。When the postal clerk delivers your order, check the carton before signing for it.你订购的货物由邮政人员送达时,要先检查一下包装盒再签收。She delivers the mail on my street.她在我住的这条街上递送邮件。The car delivers quick/rapid acceleration.这辆车加速很快。The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs.不论转速如何,发动机都可以立即加速。The company charges too much for what it delivers.这家公司对其所提供的商品要价过高。An automobile engine delivers torque to the driveshaft.汽车引擎向传动轴输送转矩。He delivers a perfunctory kiss on Anna's cheek.他漫不经心地吻了吻安娜的脸颊。




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