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The film presents a disturbing image of youth culture.电影展现了青年文化令人堪忧的景象。As young people started to have more money, a significant youth culture developed.随着年轻人开始越来越有钱,一种影响重大的青年文化形成了。The magazine is devoted to rock music, fashion, and other aspects of youth culture.这本杂志专门介绍摇滚乐、时装等青年文化。The company needs people who are attuned to today's youth culture.公司需要那些适应当今青年文化的人。He grew up at a time when youth culture was inchoate, and almost clandestine.他成长在一个青年文化初见端倪、几乎还处于秘密状态的年代。 |