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词汇 delegated
例句 Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。The Bishop delegated me to approach the local press.主教委派我去和当地媒体接触。Congress delegated all the emergency powers to the president.国会授予总统一切应变权力。Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.例行工作经常委派缺乏经验的年轻医生去做。It takes experience to judge correctly how much power should be delegated.应该下放多少权力需要经验来准确判断。He was delegated by the town to take care of the monument.他被镇政府选派去看护这个历史遗迹。How many of their activities can be safely and effectively delegated to less trained staff?.他们的活动有多少可以稳妥有效地委托给那些资质稍浅的员工来进行?We have delegated Bill to attend the meeting.我们已委派比尔参加会议。Those chores can be delegated to someone else.那些杂务可以交给其他人去做。Minor tasks should be delegated to your assistant.次要的工作应交给你的助手去做。He delegated his secretary to show me the city.他委派秘书陪我参观这个城市。Bill was delegated to fetch the manager.比尔受托去请经理。Officials have been delegated to work on a settlement.官员们被委派寻求解决方案。She delegated the job to one of her minions.她把工作委派给了一个手下。The director delegated all the routine work to his executive staff.主任把日常工作全部交给手下的行政人员去做。I was delegated to find a suitable conference venue.我受委托去找一个合适的会场。




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