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How much spending money are you taking with you?你身上带了多少零用钱?Dad is trying to persuade Jim by dangling the carrot of higher allowance.爸爸以增加零用钱为饵企图说服吉姆。Stop asking your father for a bigger allowance. He's not made of money, you know!别再向你爸爸要更多的零用钱了。他并不富裕,你知道的!He earned pocket money doing odd jobs.他打零工赚些零用钱。What do you spend your allowance on, Jimmy?吉米,你的零用钱是怎么花的?The boy hived away his pocket money.那男孩把零用钱存起来。Dad threatened to stop my pocket money.爸爸威胁不给我零用钱。How much spending money are you taking on holiday?度假时你打算带多少零用钱?She turns tricks merely for pocket money.她卖淫只是为了弄点零用钱。I would like my allowance in a lump sum.我希望把我的零用钱全数发给我。She had a babysitting job to earn pin money.她做临时保姆挣点零用钱。Older people either have less spending money or are more innately cautious.老年人要么零用钱少,要么就是生性花钱谨慎。He ran through his month's allowance in a week.他一星期就花完了一个月的零用钱。The child has a weekly allowance of five dollars.这孩子每星期有五元零用钱。I don't know how much spending money to take on honeymoon.我不知道该带多少零用钱去度蜜月。The boy had a lot of pocket money.这男孩有许多零用钱。He depends on his father for pocket money.他的零用钱靠他爸爸给。She helped her uncle out sometimes just to earn a bit of pin money.她有时候帮帮叔叔的忙赚一些零用钱。I was the youngest, so I always got the least pocket money.我年纪最小,所以我的零用钱也总是最少。She earned spending money at an after-school job.她靠课余打工挣些零用钱。I make a little pocket money delivering catalogues.我送购物指南挣点零用钱。He makes a little money on the side by cleaning windows in his spare time.他靠业余时间兼职清洗窗户赚些零用钱。I give a few private lessons too, for pocket money.我也做些家教,赚点零用钱。You'll pay for that vase out of your pocket money.你要用你的零用钱来赔偿那只花瓶。 |