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词汇 雇用
例句 Some companies flout the rules and employ children as young as seven.有些公司无视规定,雇用年仅七岁的儿童。A large office requires the employment of many people.一个大事务所需要雇用许多人。He is suing his former employer for wrongful termination.他正在起诉他的前雇主非法中止雇用I've decided to hire a personal fitness trainer.我打算雇用一位私人健身教练员。Companies are under pressure to hire a more diverse workforce.公司被迫要雇用更多能力不同的员工。My feeling is that we need to hire more people.我的观点是我们需要雇用更多的人手。I'd never have employed him if I'd realized what an objectionable person he was.我要是知道他这人这么讨厌,就不会雇用他。The company snatched him up as soon as he graduated from college.他大学一毕业,就被这家公司雇用了。If the pilot has not been trained to normal airline standards, he will not be employed by us.如果飞行员的训练水平达不到正常飞行标准,我们就不会雇用他。The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.中央情报局雇用了一大批该领域的专业人员。They employ a nanny, cleaner, and gardener.他们雇用了一个保姆、一个清洁工和一个花匠。They are cutting costs by using nonunion labor.他们雇用未加入工会的劳工来降低成本。These are the reasons why you should consider my employment.这些就是你应该考虑雇用我的原因。Emma is the only female lawyer that the firm has ever employed.埃玛是那家事务所有史以来雇用的唯一一位女律师。Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings.雇用了工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。She tried to hire a hitman to kill her husband.她试图雇用职业杀手杀死自己的丈夫。I have a clear understanding with any lawyer I hire.我与我雇用的所有律师都有明晰的协议。He has good relationships with all the subcontractors he hires.他与所雇用的各家分包商关系良好。The committee tried to be fair and aboveboard in its hiring.委员会在雇用问题上尽量做到公平公开。People need basic education if they are to become employable.想要有人雇用,人们需要接受基础教育。These industries usually employ unorganized workers.这些行业通常雇用一些未加入工会的工人。Businesses are under pressure to hire minorities and women.企业受到压力,要雇用少数民族和妇女。He was in the pay of a foreign power.他受外国的雇用They hired an independent contractor to fix the roof.他们雇用了一家独立经营承包商来修屋顶。The prime contractor can take on several subcontractors.总承包人可以雇用几个分包人。They hired a thundering herd of corporate executives.他们雇用了一群杰出的公司管理人员。The Central Intelligence Agency employed a goodly number of expert professionals in this particular field.中央情报局雇用了一大批这一领域的顶尖专业人才。School boys were hired to lift the potatoes.雇用了学生来挖马铃薯。The gunman had been hired by a rival Mafia family to do the dirty deed.一个敌对的黑手党家族雇用了那个枪手来实施这一卑劣行动。Lucia hired an assassin to eliminate her rival.露西娅雇用了一名刺客去除掉她的情敌。Franklin needed an assistant, and he got funding from the department to take one on.富兰克林需要一名助手,他从部门拿到拨款雇用了一个。Employers hire skilled people on fixed-term contracts.雇主以签订固定期限的合同来雇用有技能的人。She doesn't criticize her opponent's character directly. She has her hatchet men in the media do it for her.她不直接抨击对手的人格,而是让她在媒体的雇用诽谤者为她效力。He could bring in one of the freelances that we occasionally use.他可以带来一名我们偶尔雇用的自由职业者。Staff are employed on a monthly basis.员工是按月雇用的。The store hired a guard to put a check on shoplifting. 商店雇用了一名保安,以防店内货品失窃。Their threat to hire replacement workers has the union with its back to the wall.他们威胁说要雇用替工,这使工会陷入了困境。The orchestra hired her because she could sight-read even the most difficult scores.交响乐团雇用了她,因为她能直接看谱演奏,即便是难度最大的乐谱。The farm employed a tractor driver and two general labourers.农场雇用了一名拖拉机手和两名普通工人。The aide was hired to keep the governor's slovenly brother out of the public eye.雇用这个助手是为了不让州长的邋遢弟弟受到公众的注意。




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