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词汇 难道
例句 Should we old guys chicken out on our young people?难道我们这些老家伙还怕年轻人吗?But if you arm the police won't more criminals go armed?但是,如果你给警察配备武器,难道不会出现更多配备武器的罪犯吗?Aren't you adult enough to know that there are two sides to every issue?长这么大了你难道还不懂每一件事都有两面性吗? Weren't we lucky with the weather?我们碰到这样的天气难道不够幸运吗?Have we allowed their lies to usurp the truth?我们难道任由他们用谎言来取代真相吗?You don't have to take insults from her, do you?难道非受她的气不可吗? Aren't you even a tiny bit scared?难道你一点也不害怕吗?Weren't you concerned in the least about where your son was?你儿子在何处你难道一点儿也不关心?Are yesterday's truths today's irrelevancies?昨日的真理难道到了今天就成了离题的空论?Can't you keep the kid off my neck?难道你不能替我把孩子引开吗? Must you persist in making that noise?难道你非得要继续制造那种噪声吗?Can't you get someone else to clean the kitchen for you?难道不能让别人来替你打扫厨房吗?Is the public wilfully / willfully blind to what is going on?难道公众对所发生的事情有意视而不见吗?Can't you take a hint and leave me alone?难道就听不懂我的暗示?让我一个人清静会儿吧。Can't you see this could blow up in your face?难道看不出这事会砸锅?Isn't it about time you cleared out some of your junk?难道你不觉得该清理一下自己的一些杂物吗?Don't her parents mind her making free with their house while they're on holiday?难道她的父母就不介意她在他们度假时擅自使用他们的房子吗?Can't you take real candids — without people knowing?难道不能乘人不备拍几张真正的快照吗?Do ye not ken, girl? This may be our last hope.姑娘,难道你不知道吗?这或许是我们最后的希望。Is football a justifiable expense when the college cannot afford enough English classes to meet students’ needs?学院没钱开办足够的英语课来满足学生的需要,那足球难道就是一笔合情合理的开销吗?Isn't she a little beauty?难道她不是个小美人吗?Isn't it a beautiful day?难道这不是晴朗宜人的一天吗?Well, what are you waiting for? Do I have to ask you for a kiss?那你还等什么呢?难道要我求你吻我吗?Doesn't it frustrate you that audiences in the theatre are so restricted?观众在剧场里要受到如此多的限制,这难道不令人恼火吗?Didn't you just love the Waltons?难道不喜欢看《沃尔顿一家》吗?Didn't you think she was behaving very oddly at the party yesterday?难道不觉得她昨天在聚会上表现得很古怪吗?Was it merely a coincidence?难道只是巧合吗?Isn't it about time we were getting a new car?难道我们还不该买辆新汽车吗?Don't you realize what a scare you've given us all?.难道不知道你把我们大家都吓得不轻吗?Can't you two just bury the hatchet?你们俩难道就不能言归于好吗?Look at all these typing errors! Can't you take more care?看看这些打字错误!你难道不能再仔细些?Can't you sort the good from the bad?难道不会区分好坏吗? Is it just beating a dead horse to ask for another recount of the votes?难道要求重新清点一次选票只是浪费时间精力吗?Didn't I tell you to put some slippers on?难道我没有告诉你要穿拖鞋吗?It's uninteresting reading the play round the class, can't we try to act it?在班内轮着朗读剧本多乏味,难道我们不能试着表演吗? Oh, give me strength! Do you want me to do it for you?噢,真受不了!难道你想让我帮你干?You've left half your dinner – didn't you like it?你有一半东西没吃,难道你不喜欢?Isn't there anything in Switzerland but mountains?难道瑞士只有山吗?Couldn't I hold Philippe's interest?难道就不能让菲利普一直感兴趣吗?Won't this rain ever let up?这场雨难道不会停了吗?




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