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In life, you never quite know what's around the corner.人生总是难料。The hostages described life in the prison camp as a nightmare of fear and uncertainty.人质描述说,战俘营里的生活犹如噩梦一般,充满了恐惧,生死难料。It is still all to play for: either team could win.胜负仍然难料:两个队都有可能获胜。Prospects for a lasting peace remain doubtful.持久和平的前景难料。For the President, the calculations are equally difficult. If the peacekeeping operation goes wrong he risks appearing weak.对总统说来,局势同样难料。假如维和行动出了岔子,他就会显得无能。The peace process will not end; there is too much at stake.和平进程不会就此结束,很多事情仍成败难料。It was a close game that could have gone either way.那是一场势均力敌的比赛,胜负难料。 |