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词汇 难以相信
例句 It's hard to trust the President's conversion.总统信仰的改变让人难以相信I can't believe what a putz that guy is.难以相信这家伙竟是这么个笨蛋。It's unbelievable to think how slow things were in the days before e-mail.想想在没有电子邮件的年代,事物的传送速度多慢啊,叫人难以相信Lisa was, unbelievably, pregnant again.莉萨又怀孕了,真让人难以相信These results might be considered implausible.这些结果可能会令人难以相信It's hard to credit that anyone would want to buy this old car.难以相信会有人想买这辆旧车。Lainey was, unbelievably, pregnant again.莱内又怀孕了,真让人难以相信I could hardly believe it when she actually apologized to me.她居然向我道歉了,我简直难以相信It's amazing that you can still find a house for under $100,000 in this day and age.如今这个年代你还能找到十万美元以下的房子,真是难以相信啊。I can scarcely believe it.我简直难以相信His explanation was too pat to be believable.他的解释太过敷衍,让人难以相信I couldn't believe these people were behaving in this way.难以相信这些人竟会有这种举动。It's hard to believe that he's gone.难以相信,他居然离开了。They were driving much too fast. It's incredible that no-one was hurt.他们开车开得太快了,让人难以相信居然没有人受伤。It seemed unthinkable that this quiet and apparently worthy citizen should be connected with crimes.这个不声不响、一脸正经的市民竟卷入犯罪事件,真是令人难以相信I can't believe he had the neck to go to the D Day service.难以相信他竟敢厚着脸皮去参加二战反攻日纪念仪式。I've got so much rubbish on my desk it's unbelievable.我桌上有那么多垃圾,真是让人难以相信I can't believe she just said that to me. What gall!难以相信她居然对我说出那样的话。真是厚颜无耻I can't get over how much she's grown.难以相信她居然长了那么多。I was unable to believe what I saw was real.难以相信自己所见的乃是真实。It seems hardly credible that anyone could have walked so far in a day.一个人能在一天之内走那么远,令人难以相信I find it hard to believe that he didn't know the gun was loaded.他竟不知道这枪是上了膛的,我觉得难以相信The plot does stretch credulity.故事情节确实让人难以相信It's difficult to imagine that these changes will really be effective.难以相信这些变革真会有效。It's unbelievable - you have sex on the brain 24 hours a day!真叫人难以相信,你一天到晚脑子里都是性!Even now I find it hard to believe that he lied.即使到现在我还是难以相信他撒了谎。What she did was stupid beyond belief.她所做的事情傻得叫人难以相信She's tiny, but she belts out these old blues songs like you wouldn't believe.她长得非常矮小,但是她放声高唱起这些老的蓝调歌曲的样子,你是难以相信的。I find it unbelievable that Mr. Carey does not remember the meeting at all.凯里先生居然把开会的事忘得一干二净,我觉得难以相信By no stretch of the imagination could he be seriously described as an artist.无论如何也难以相信人们会正儿八经把他称为艺术家。He asked for an explanation, and he was given the usual unconvincing excuses.他要求对方作出解释,但只得到了一些叫人难以相信的惯用托词。It was a fantastic hotel, and unbelievably cheap.这是一家非常好的宾馆,而且便宜得让人难以相信Colleagues call Oates an unlikely plagiarist.同事称难以相信奥茨是剽窃者。It's unbelievable how nasty people can be.难以相信人会这样卑鄙恶毒。It's hard to believe that they're still friends after everything that's passed between them.难以相信他们之间发生了那么多事情却友情依旧。It is inconceivable that she could be considered for the job.竟考虑让她担任这一工作,真令人难以相信




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