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词汇 随手
例句 The fire was started when a passing motorist carelessly tossed a cigarette out of his car.一个过路的司机随手把烟扔出车外,引起了这次火灾。He wrote the word on the board and some of the students automatically wrote it down in their notebooks.他把这个词写在黑板上,有些学生随手把它抄在笔记本上。She'd doodled all over her textbooks.她在课本上到处随手乱画。She walked quickly in and shut the door behind her.她快步走进来,随手关上身后的门。She carelessly deposed costly trinkets on the table.她把贵重小首饰随手丢在桌上。I just sat at the piano noodling.我不过是坐在钢琴旁随手弹弹而已。He ran a hand through his hair with a careless gesture.随手理了理头发。Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him.哈里穿过走廊,随手关上了身后的门。They riffled the Sunday papers.他们随手翻看各种星期日版报纸。She slammed the door and locked it behind her.她砰的一下关上门,随手锁上了。He took a book at random.随手取了一本书。She threw a scarf over her shoulders.她把肩巾随手往肩上一披。He slammed the door behind him.随手砰地关上了门。I like to have my reference books within my reach.我喜欢把参考书放在随手拿得到的地方。He ran from the room, slamming the door behind him.他从房间跑出来,随手砰地关上了门。John went out and locked the door behind him.约翰走出去后随手锁上了门。The fire is believed to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette.据信,这场大火是由一个随手丢弃的烟头引发的。She threw her bag onto a chair.随手把包扔到一把椅子上。I wasn't really reading, just turning over the pages.我并不是真的在阅读,只是随手翻翻而已。He carefully locked the door behind him.随手小心锁好了门。My sister stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind her.我姐姐噔噔地走出房子,随手砰地关上了门。Wash up as you go along.随手把碗洗了吧。I closed the door behind me.随手关上了身后的门。He threw the keys casually down on the table.随手把钥匙扔在桌子上。He struggled out of his bulky jacket and threw it on to the back seat.他费劲脱下他那件笨重的夹克,随手把它扔在后座上。She went to her room and locked the door behind her.她走到自己的房间去,随手把门锁上。I took a great dislike to the clock, so I chucked it in the dustbin.我很讨厌那只钟,随手就把它扔进垃圾桶里了。An electronic scratch pad allows the user to jot down notes for later reference.电子暂存器可提供随手记录供以后查阅的功能。Leafing through a magazine, I chanced upon a photo of an old high school friend, Robert Mason.我在随手翻阅一本杂志时,无意中看到一幅高中时的老朋友罗伯特·梅森的照片。He always leaves his clothes lying around (on the floor).他总是随手把衣服(往地板上)一扔。I carry a notebook so that I can jot down any ideas.我随身带了个笔记本,这样可以把想法随手记下来。He tossed off a few lines of poetry.随手写下几行诗。The door locked behind him. 随手锁上了门。He closed the door quietly behind him.他轻轻地随手把门关上。In the unlikely event of anybody phoning, could you just scribble a message down?虽然可能性极小,但如果有人打来电话,你能不能随手把留言记下来?She walked out, closing the door gently after her.她走出去时随手轻轻地关上了门。He flipped his visiting card onto the table.随手把名片丢在桌子上。I walked out and closed the door behind me.我走了出来,随手带上了门。He went on his knees and filled his bag with oysters picked up at random.他跪下去,把随手捡起的牡蛎装进袋子。Wade stepped inside and closed the inner door behind him.韦德走进去,随手关上了里面的门。




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