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词汇 alight
例句 Several buildings had been set alight.几幢大楼着了火。Enemy soldiers set the building alight.敌军放火点燃了这栋大楼。Firefighters battled to save a historic building after arsonists set it alight.消防队员奋力扑灭被纵火犯点燃的一座历史建筑。His face was alight with anger.他满脸愠怒的神色。The fires had to be kept alight each night.每天晚上都得让炉火烧着。She paused and turned, her face alight with happiness.她停住转过身,脸上洋溢着幸福。By this time the fire was well alight, and we huddled round it.这时炉火已经烧得很旺了,我们围聚在它的四周。A prisoner died after setting himself alight.一名囚犯自焚死了。Suddenly the whole sky was alight with fireworks.突然整个天空都被焰火照亮了。The building had been set alight by the killer.大楼已被杀人凶手点着了。The children laughed, their eyes alight.孩子们大笑起来,兴奋得眼睛发亮。His clothing caught alight.他的衣服着火了。Her eyes were alight with a girlish enjoyment of life.她的眼睛闪闪发亮,闪烁着少女般的幸福和满足。He would then suddenly alight on the tune he really wanted to play.他常会在那时突然想起他真正想弹的曲子。The house was alight with candles.屋子里点著蜡烛,亮堂堂的。Thugs poured petrol over a homeless man and tried to set him alight.暴徒们把汽油倒在一个流浪汉身上,企图点火把他烧死。Most of the windows were alight.大多数窗口都亮着。The little girl's eyes were alight with excitement.小女孩的眼里闪烁着激动的光芒。The fire should be well alight by now.火现在应该烧得很旺了。The sky was alight with stars.天空群星璀璨。She was looking at him, her eyes alight.她看着他,眼睛闪闪发亮。The fire should remain alight overnight.火应该一晚上都不会灭。She laughed, her eyes alight with excitement.她笑了,眼里闪烁着兴奋的光芒。Staff watched in horror as he set himself alight.他自焚时员工们惊恐地看着。His first film didn't exactly set the world alight.他的第一部影片并没有真正引起轰动。Jealousy leaped alight in his bosom.妒火在他胸中升腾。I eventually managed to get the fire alight.我终于设法把火点着了。The children's eyes were alight with excitement.孩子们眼里闪烁着激动的光芒。One of them, the first to alight, hastened with quicksilver steps towards me.他们中第一个下来的人急急忙忙地快步向我走来。Mark's eyes were alight with excitement.马克的眼里闪烁着激动的光。Passengers travelling to Edinburgh should alight at the next station.前往爱丁堡的乘客应该在下一站下车。Jed's face was alight with excitement.杰德兴奋得容光焕发。




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