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词汇 隆重
例句 The fireworks were the grand finale of the ceremonies.仪式在烟火齐放中隆重结束。The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament.女王隆重地乘车前往出席议会开幕典礼。There was a great sense of occasion when the first ever free elections were held.当举行第一次自由选举的时候,气氛特别隆重When he has a party, he likes to go all out. 他举办晚会时,总喜欢把晚会办得隆重奢华。Enthusiastic applause lent a sense of occasion to the proceedings.热烈的掌声给活动平添了几分隆重感。There is a great sense of occasion.给人感觉很隆重A princely welcome awaited them.隆重的欢迎场面等待着他们。The National Theatre's production is memorably staged.国家剧院排演的剧目隆重上演了。The wedding was wonderful. Your parents obviously went to great expense.婚礼非常隆重,你父母显然是花了大钱的。I was aware that I would be expected to perform a solemn ceremony to mark the event.我知道,人们期待我用一场隆重的典礼来庆祝这件大事。Come on, I'll give you the grand tour of the backyard.跟我来,我领你隆重参观一下后院。Tonight's light show is the grand finale of a month-long series of events.为期一个月的系列活动在今晚的灯光表演中隆重谢幕。He was buried with full military honors. 人们为他举行了隆重的军人葬礼。For the grand finale there was a marching band and fireworks.仪式在行进乐队的演奏和烟火表演中隆重结束。She was buried with great ceremony in the Abbey.她被隆重地安葬在威斯敏斯特大教堂。The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.共和国在公开场合非常隆重地宣布成立。He was buried with full military honours.他以隆重的军礼下葬。The priest solemnized their marriage.牧师隆重主持了他们的婚礼。With pomp and fanfare the Queen was led to her rooms in the chateau.女王被庄严隆重地引入其在城堡中的房间。It was quite an occasion. All the local dignitaries were there, dressed in their finest clothes.那是个隆重的盛会。当地所有的名流显要都盛装到场。He planned to make a grand entrance, driving up to the house in a fancy red sports car.他打算把豪华的红色跑车开到那幢房子前,来个隆重的入场式。The bodies of the two soldiers were buried with full military honors at Arlington National Cemetery.两名士兵的遗体以隆重的军葬礼下葬在阿灵顿国家公墓。He made his grand entrance into the park in a touring car, with a brass band striking up his campaign song.铜管乐队奏响他的竞选歌曲,他在音乐声中乘敞篷车隆重地驶入公园。Lunch was a grand if rather noisy affair.午餐很隆重,但有点吵。The visiting party received full pomp and panoply.来访的一行人受到了非常盛大隆重的接待。The Republic was proclaimed in public with great ceremony.共和国非常隆重地宣告成立。She grandly announced that the ceremony was about to begin.隆重宣布典礼马上开始。There is a great sense of occasion and a terrific standard of musicianship.有一种非常盛大隆重的感觉,音乐演奏的水准也极高。She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.客人到齐之后,她隆重出场。The prime minister was greeted with pomp and circumstance.首相在仪式上受到了隆重的欢迎。I expressed some surprise at the elaborate welcome which had been prepared for me.对于他们为我准备的这个隆重的欢迎仪式,我表示有些惊奇。I knew that the wedding would be a grand affair.我知道婚礼会很隆重The team was given a royal reception/welcome.球队受到了隆重的欢迎。They celebrated their anniversary in grand style.他们隆重地进行了周年庆祝。We got the red-carpet treatment when we arrived.我们到达时受到了隆重的接待。He was buried with full military honors.他被以最隆重的军礼下葬。




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