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词汇 降生
例句 In due course the baby was born.婴儿足月降生了。For my parents my arrival came as a surprise and coincident with the end of World War II.对我父母来说,我的降生是个惊喜,而且正好二战结束了。They admired the tableau of the Nativity.他们欣赏着耶稣降生的场景造型。There may be a period of disequilibrium as family members adjust to the new baby.宝宝的降生可能会使家庭有一段手忙脚乱的适应阶段。At the church, children re-enacted the Christmas story.孩子们在教堂里重演基督降生的故事。Her baby was born at term.她的宝宝足月降生了。He has just become the proud father of a baby girl.女儿的降生使他觉得非常自豪。They recently celebrated the birth of their second daughter.不久前他们庆祝了第二个女儿降生When a baby is born, they enter that baby's name into the computer.每当有婴儿降生,他们就将婴儿的名字输入电脑。Jack was born after an emergency Caesarean section.杰克是在进行急诊剖宫产手术之后降生的。They had been unwilling to acquire baby supplies for fear it would jinx things. Then, suddenly, they were parents and didn't even own a diaper.他们之前不愿意买婴儿用品,怕带来坏运气。后来孩子突然降生,他们连一片尿布都没有。The paper led with the royal birth.报纸把王室成员降生作为头条报道。They were awaiting the birth of their first child.他们等待着他们第一个孩子的降生




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