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词汇 队员
例句 The team has a lot of injury problems.该队许多队员伤病在身。When the national hockey team visited the US, half the players defected.国家曲棍球队访问美国时,有一半队员都叛逃了。If we do well it will reflect on all our teams.我们要是表现出色,所有的队员脸上都有光。The team blamed its losses on a litany of injuries.球队把输球归咎于队员接连受伤。All the players are in top/excellent shape.所有队员身体状况都极佳。All the team members have put in a great deal of effort.所有队员都付出了极大的努力。The coach has been mollycoddling the team's star players.教练一直都在纵容队里的明星队员The team's players all credit their coach for helping them succeed.球队的队员都认为是教练帮助他们获胜的。Two players were fined for shinning opponent players.有两个队员因踢对方队员的胫而被罚款。He's a good player with a clean image.他是一个形象干净的好队员It's typical, just when we might win, two of our players got injured.不出所料,就在我们可能赢的时候,两名队员受伤了。The team went into a huddle at half-time to discuss their tactics.中场休息时队员围成一圈讨论战术。The coach rallied his players for the second half of the game.教练鼓励队员在下半场比赛时奋起直追。The players should all be fit for Saturday's game, with the possible exception of Davis.队员的身体状况而言,参加星期六的比赛应该都没问题,但戴维斯可能例外。All of the boys are right behind the coach.所有的队员都完全支持教练。The player with the ball zigzagged back and forth down the field.带球队员在场上闪躲着前后跑动。Both sides lost a player to the sin bin just before the interval.中场休息之前两队各有一名队员被罚下场。He's the team's most dependable player.他是队中最稳定的队员You'll meet the rest of the team soon enough.你很快就会见到其他队员The crowd waited patiently while the teams warmed up.双方队员在作赛前准备活动时,人群耐心地等待着。 The trainee foxed the arrogant instructor with a knotty problem.那位受训的队员故意用难题把傲慢的教练搞糊涂。After their championship victory, the team was ready to pop the cork. 锦标赛获胜后,队员们准备开香槟庆祝。The ball-carrier straight-armed the tackler.持球队员直臂挡开了阻截队员Searchers used three boats to drag the river.搜救队员用了三条船在那条河里打捞。I played opposite the best player in the league.我与联赛的最佳队员交手。She fitted into the team very well.她与队员相处十分融洽。There is great camaraderie among the teammates.队员之间有着深厚的情谊。The players are all in excellent physical condition. 队员们的身体状况都非常好。Girl Scouts went around the neighborhood selling cookies.女童子军队员在居民区内挨家卖饼干。The fact that Liverpool had only ten men playing for them gave the other team an advantage.利物浦队场上只有十个队员,这一点使对手占了便宜。The coach gave the team a pep talk.教练给队员们讲了一番鼓舞士气的话。Their players were all rejects from other teams.他们的队员都是别的队淘汰下来的人。The manager warned his young players not to get carried away by the emotion of the occasion.主教练警告年轻队员不要受一时情绪的左右。Players on both teams were talking trash.两队的队员们正在打口水战。The team are feeling very hard done by — it wasn't a fair decision at all.队员们都觉得很不公平,这根本就不是个公正的决定。He started getting bad grades and lost his place on the basketball team. 他的战绩越来越差,失去了篮球队的队员资格。He is responsible for keeping a record of work done by team members.他负责记录队员所做的工作。With one man sent off, the team had to dig deep and hang on for a draw.一名队员被罚下场后,球队只好奋力保个平局了。The team got fed up and ten of them left the field.队员们受够了,有十名队员退出了比赛。The West Indies Team were all out before lunch.西印度群岛队队员在午饭前已全部出局。




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