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词汇 队列
例句 She was asked to pick her attacker out of a lineup.她被叫去从队列中辨认袭击她的人。At the head of the procession a group of dark-suited men bore the coffin into the church.几个身穿黑衣的男子走在队列的前头把棺材抬进教堂。They opened their ranks to let the defeated men pass.他们把队列疏散开来让战败的人通过。People kept barging to the front of the queue.不断有人硬闯到队列的最前面。The Queen took the salute as the guardsmen marched past.卫兵队列经过时,女王接受了他们的敬礼。The queue for tickets turned into a free-for-all.买票的队列吵吵嚷嚷,乱作一团。The line for the movie went right around the block.等候购买电影票的队列一直转过了大楼。The president moved slowly along the ranks of men.总统沿着士兵队列缓慢前行。The number of queues repaired out of the percent detected.修复的队列数目超过检测到的百分比。They arrived early for the concert and staked out a place at the front of the queue.他们很早就到了音乐会现场,在队列的前排占了位子。They were both absorbed in watching the procession.他们俩都专注地看着队列A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue.阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。The general watched the parade with an air of melancholy.将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过。The boys were marching in two parallel lines.男孩子们正排成两行平行队列行进。A military parade marched slowly up Pennsylvania Avenue.一支阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢地行进。Your call has been put in a queue and will be answered as soon as possible.你的电话已进入等候队列,很快就会有人接听。The dancers step into a formation which represents the human being.舞蹈演员们排成一个人形队列Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official opening.活泼的音乐和队列表演使开幕式的气氛轻松欢快。The ranks closed up.队列靠拢在一起。The soldiers are opening ranks.士兵们正在疏开队列The queue's not moving at all.队列一动不动。The general watched the process with an air of melancholy.将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过。The battalion formed a wedge and marched toward the enemy.这个营排成楔形队列向敌人进军。




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