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词汇 defence
例句 He produced a stout defence of the car business.他为汽车业进行了坚决的辩护。If she committed a crime, she did so in self-defence.如果她犯了罪的话,也是出于自卫才这样做的。He carried on, ignoring interruptions from the defence lawyer.他不顾辩护律师的打断继续陈述。Agnes was a battered woman who had killed, in self-defence, while temporarily insane.阿格尼丝是个饱受虐待的女人,她在一时精神错乱的情况下出于自卫杀了人。He blames defence lawyers for allowing dangerous criminals back into society.他指责辩护律师纵容危险的罪犯重返社会。Jane declined his amiable invitation in pure self-defence.珍完全出于自卫地拒绝了他友善的邀请。He has even had the temerity to invoke the names of Martin Luther King Jr and Malcolm X in defence of his actions.他竟然敢搬出马丁·路德·金和马尔科姆·艾克斯的名字来为自己的行为辩解。Viktor Shklovsky spoke out in defence of the book.维克多·什科洛夫斯基为这本书公开辩护。All nations have the right to self-defence.所有国家都有自卫的权利。One stunning run in particular scythed through the Millwall defence.尤其是一次绝妙的跑动突破了米尔沃尔队的防守。The defence was that the records of the interviews were fabricated by the police.辩护论点为问讯记录是警方捏造的。Every time the political complexion of the government changed, so did the defence policy.每当政府的政治性质发生变化,国防政策也会随之变化。By wielding a knife in defence you run the risk of prosecution.如果持刀自卫,那你就会有被起诉的风险。I really wanted to learn self-defence.我曾很想学习自卫术。The defence pursued the question of Dr Carrington's state of mind.辩护律师探讨了卡林顿博士的精神状态。We had to battle very hard and our defence worked overtime to keep us in the game.为保证我们不被淘汰出局,我们不得不奋力搏杀,防守队员拼尽了全力。The Prime Minister seems to be trying to rehabilitate the former defence secretary.首相似乎在努力为前国防部长恢复名誉。The defence pleaded for leniency.辩护方请求轻判。He put up a stout defence in court.他在法庭上进行了顽强的抗辩。The jury have heard evidence from defence witnesses.陪审团已经听取了被告方目击证人的证词。The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.被告辩护律师强烈建议法官应该休庭。The government has reduced its expense on defence.政府减少了国防开支。The country maintains a strong military purely for defence / defense.该国保有一支强大的纯防御性军队。She sprang to the defence of her stepmother.她挺身为她的继母辩护。The Party Congress has closed with a spirited defence of the government's economic programme from the Deputy Prime Minister.党代表大会以副总理对政府经济计划热烈的辩护拉上了帷幕。Rumor has it that the defence minister will soon resign.据传闻,国防部长不久就要辞职。Major has a good defence and believes he will win the case.梅杰的辩词很有说服力,他相信能够打赢这场官司。The judges permitted him to join the defence of the accused man.法官准许他参加为被告辩护。Several countries accept that they will need to maintain a powerful collective defence.好几个国家一致同意他们将需要保持强大的集体防御力量。The crime permits of no defence.这种罪行是不容辩护的。The prisoner sat mute, offering nothing in his own defence.那个囚犯一声不吭地坐著,没说任何为自己辩护的话。These brave young men have given their lives in defence of freedom.这些勇敢的年轻人为维护自由而献出了生命。Brinkworth's attempted dribble through the Milan defence was stopped by Ponti's tackle.布尔克沃思想带球越过米兰队的防线,却被庞蒂给截住了。This defence project is simply a waste of taxpayers’ money.这一防卫计划纯粹是浪费纳税人的钱。The defence discredited two government witnesses.被告及其辩护律师证实两名官方证人不可信。In her defence, the accused said that she had been acting under duress when she took the money.被告在辩护词中说,她拿钱的举动是在威逼之下做出的。Anyone refusing to join had no defence against dismissal by the employer on that ground.任何拒绝参与的人都无法保护自己不被雇主因此开除。I did not want to wound him, but to restrict myself to defence, to parry his attacks.我不想伤害他,只是想自我防卫,挡开他的攻击。They had the team's defence running round in circles with Daniel scoring three goals.丹尼尔三次射门得分,对方球队的防守队员被耍得团团转。The defence evidence didn't impress the judge, and he sentenced Wright to 3 years in jail.被告的证词未能说服法官,于是他判了赖特三年监禁。




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