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词汇 闲扯
例句 I was tired of listening to their prattle.我受够了听他们的闲扯Mentioning adult education in a discussion on decolonization is a complete red herring.在讨论非殖民化时谈成人教育,这全然是转移注意力的闲扯They chatted idly for a few moments then each knuckled down to work.他们闲扯了一会儿,然后各自埋头工作。He couldn't stand their endless chatter about celebrities and movies.他无法忍受他们对名流和电影没完没了的闲扯I have moseyed over to see what they are yakking about.我信步走过去,看看他们在闲扯些什么。We had to listen to another one of his long rambles about politics and religion.我们只得聆听他对政治和宗教的又一次漫无边际的闲扯She only half-listened as Ella rambled on.埃拉漫无边际地闲扯,她心不在焉地听着。He didn't stop chatting from the moment he arrived.他从到的那一刻起就没有停止过闲扯I've got no time for idle chat.我没时间闲扯Stop gossiping and do your work.别再闲扯了,继续干点活去。He listened to chattering maids as they passed by.他留神听着从身边走过的姑娘们嘴里在闲扯着什么。Stop your prattling and go to sleep!你们别闲扯了,睡觉去吧!Sometimes she spoke sensibly; sometimes she rambled.有时她说得也还通情达理,有时就是闲扯




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