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It doesn't matter if no one is around - I'm still not going through a red light.附近没有人无所谓,我照样不会闯红灯。The police officer gave us a ticket for going through a red light.警察给我们开了一张罚单,因为我们闯红灯。They were caught on camera running a red light in the centre of town.他们被摄像头拍到在市中心闯红灯。I got a fine for driving through a red light.我因为闯红灯而被罚款。He got caught driving through a red light.他开车闯红灯被抓住了。He drove through the red lights in an attempt to shake off the police car that was chasing him.他闯红灯企图甩掉警车的追踪。He was killed at a road junction by a van driver who went through a red light.他在交叉路口被一辆闯红灯的小货车撞死了。My driving was suspended for ignoring a red light.我因为闯红灯而被罚暂停驾驶。The police pulled him over for failing to stop at a red traffic light.他因为闯红灯被警察要求停靠路边。He was stopped by the police for going through a red light.他因闯红灯被警察拦住了。The cop said he'd have to write me up for not stopping at the red light.那位警察说,因为我闯红灯,他只得给我开罚单。 |