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词汇 问好
例句 She added a PS to say 'hi' to my brother.她加了一句附言向我兄弟问好Have a wonderful evening and give Tim my regards.祝你晚上玩得开心,还有代我向蒂姆问好Barry popped his head round the door to say hello.巴里从门口探进头来问好Commend me to your aunt.代我向你的姑姑问好I talked to Steven on the phone the other day and he sends his regards.前几天我和史蒂文通了电话,他让我向你问好Give Delphine my love.请替我向德尔菲娜问好A boy by the name of David has just called to say hello to you.一个名叫大卫的男孩刚刚来电话向你问好Give my regards to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好Love from Sophie. PS Say hi to Gemma.爱你的索菲。又及:向杰玛问好Bob sends his love.鲍勃向您问好Give my regards to your family.请代我向你家人问好Please remember me to your parents.请代我向你的父母问好Give my love to your mother when you next see her.你下次见到你妈妈时请代我向她问好Remember me to your wife.代我向您的妻子问好When you see them again, please give them my love.你再见到他们时,请代我向他们问好Give my regards to your good lady.代我向尊夫人问好Anna and the kids send their love.安娜和孩子们向你问好Tell her I said hello.代我向她问好Aunt Mary sends her love to you and the children.玛丽阿姨请我替她向你和孩子们问好Give my kind regards to your father.衷心向你父亲问好I'd better go now. Say hello to Shelley for me, will you?现在我得走了,替我向谢利问好,好吗?The actress walked downstage to address the audience.女演员走向舞台前部,向观众问好My wife joins me in saying hello to you.我妻子嘱笔向你问好Please give my best regards to your parents.请代我向您的双亲问好Give my best wishes to your parents when you see them.见到你的父母,替我向他们问好I couldn't forbear coming over to say hello.我忍不住走过来问好Please pay my respects to your grandmother.请代我向你的奶奶问好If I saw him I'd walk up to him and fistbump him.如果我看见他,就会走上前去击拳问好My sister sends you greetings.我姐姐向你问好He ended his letter with good wishes to the family.他以向全家问好结束了他的信。My parents send their love, and so does Rachel.我的父母向你问好,雷切尔也向你问好Please give Ed my best regards.请代我向埃德问好I said hello to him, but he showed no recognition.我向他问好,可他不答理我。Say “Hi” to your father for me.替我向你父亲问好I think the sensible thing to do is call and ask for directions.我觉得明智之举是打个电话问好路。Tell your father I was asking after him.代我向你父亲问好I had a letter from Jane. She asks after you.我收到一封简的信。她向你问好By the way, Dad says hi!顺便说一句,爸爸向你问好If you see Kevin give him my love.如果你见到凯文,替我向他问好He smiled his greetings and bobbed his head.他笑着问好并频频点头致意。




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