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例句 Workers were asked if they had reached their weekly targets, and if they replied in the negative, they were fired.工人被问到是否达到每周的指标,如果没有,就被解雇。When I ask Nick about his childhood, he remembers a parade of babysitters.问到尼克的童年生活时,他记起了一个又一个保姆。Looking to the future, though, we asked him what the prospects are for a vaccine to prevent infection in the first place.不过,展望未来,我们问到他研制出防止感染的疫苗究竟有多大的可能性。She flinched, caught on the raw by his question.她被他问到了痛处,退缩了。When asked about her tax plan, the candidate didn't equivocate.当被问到自己的税收方案时,这位女候选人没有闪烁其词。I was thrown off-balance by some of the more difficult questions I was asked.我被问到的几个较难的问题弄得措手不及。The applicant seemed to be equivocating when we asked him about his last job.当我们问到那位申请人上一份工作的时候,他有些含糊其辞。When asked about what role he played in the scandal, he merely gave an astute answer.问到他在弊案中扮演何种角色时,他给了一个狡猾的答案。When questioned, Hughes answered that he knew nothing about the robbery.问到休斯时,他回答说对这宗抢劫案一无所知。He was asked whether he would walk out if the worst came to the worst.他被问到如果发生最坏的情况他是否会退席。French people were asked how they felt about the change from the franc to the Euro.法国人民被问到将法郎换成欧元感觉如何。Mr Patterson was asked point blank if he would resign.帕特森先生被直接问到他是否会辞职。When asked about his next book, he played coy.问到他的下一部新书时,他不肯直接回答。When I asked him what they talked about, he was rather vague. 当我问到他们在谈什么时,他说得含糊其辞。The visitor is hit with a volley of facts and figures.那位来访客人被问到一连串的事实和数字。When we asked him where his wife was, O'Hare suddenly became evasive.我们问到他的妻子在哪里时,奥黑尔顿时变得含糊其辞。When asked for details, he declined to elucidate further.当被问到细节时,他拒绝做更多解释。When asked a question, give yourself a second to compose your thoughts.当被问到问题时,要给自己一秒钟时间镇定一下。He was asked the same question so many times that the answer became mechanical.他被多次问到同样的问题,所以他的回答都变得机械起来。He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit.他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。You may very well be asked what your weak points are. Don't try to claim you don't have any.你很可能会被问到有什么缺点。不要试图声称自己没有任何缺点。When asked for your views, on no account should you be negative.问到你的看法时,你绝对不该持否定态度。The captain was typically self-effacing when questioned about the team's successes, giving credit to the other players.问到该队的胜绩时,队长经常很谦虚,把功劳都归于其他队友。People were asked about their top choices for meeting locations.人们被问到他们会首选哪些地方作为会议地点。You will probably be asked about whether you partake in very vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加非常剧烈的体育运动。She would only give noncommittal answers about her plans.当被问到自己的计划时她总是含糊其辞。He was forced to reveal his true colours when asked how he would vote.当被问到他会如何投票时,他被迫现出了本来面目。Jurors were asked what they knew about the highly publicized case.陪审团被问到,对于被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬的这个案件,他们了解多少。He was asked whether he had ever experienced any incidents of discrimination.他被问到是否经历过歧视。You will probably be asked about whether you partake in vigorous sports.你可能会被问到是否参加剧烈的体育运动。When asked about the reasons for these drastic changes, she pleaded/pled ignorance. 问到这些剧变的原因时,她说自己不清楚。




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