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There may well have been a piquant novelty about her books when they came out.她的书问世时可能也有令人觉得有意思的新颖之处。We've recorded a new album, and it's coming out in the spring.我们录制了一盘新专辑,将于春天问世。I'm going to consult with my publisher about my forthcoming book.我将就我即将问世的作品与出版商交换意见。Much that we now take for granted in medicine, such as drugs, X-rays, and anaesthetics are surprisingly new.医学中的药物、X光检查、麻醉术等很多我们现在看来觉得平常的事物其实问世并不久。His recent novel is reckoned as the worst of the year.他最近问世的小说被认为是本年度最差的一本。Airlines are plugging two fairly recent innovations.各航空公司正为新近问世的两项革新大做广告。The Chinese version of the English novel appeared in the early 1950s.那部英文小说的中译本于五十年代初期问世。His first novel was published in hardcover last spring.他的第一部小说去年春天以精装版问世了。The recording never saw the light of day.这份录音从未问世。Mr. Meeri has been publishing for the better part of a decade.梅里先生在十年的大部分时间里都有作品问世。His latest album comes out in the spring.他的最新专辑将在春天问世。They'll be ready to embrace the new technology when it arrives.他们随时准备迎接新技术的问世。The world is being turned upside down by the string of multimedia technologies coming down the pike.一连串多媒体技术的问世令整个世界发生了天翻地覆的变化。A pocket edition of the dictionary will come out soon.这一字典的袖珍版即将问世。It's astonishing how much things have changed since the arrival of computers.自从电脑问世以来,世界变化之大令人惊诧。The literati tended to high-hat the first issues.文人学士往往瞧不起初次问世的作品。When the book appeared just before the end of the century, it almost split the feminist movement.当此书在世纪末问世时,它几乎使女权运动产生分裂。The sequel came out this spring.续篇于今年春季问世。The industry has changed greatly with the appearance of new technologies.新技术问世后,这一行业出现了天翻地覆的变化。The vaccine represents a quantum leap in healthcare.这种疫苗的问世是医疗保健领域的重大突破。Our lives have changed a lot since computers have come/appeared on the scene.自电脑问世以来,我们的生活发生了很大的变化。Her novel comes as a great wash of fresh air.她的小说的问世带来一股清新之气。 |