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词汇 锦标赛
例句 Wimbledon remains the heart's desire of every tennis player.温布尔登网球锦标赛仍是每个网球运动员心中的渴求之地。Stadler had to withdraw from the tournament, because of a sprained wrist.斯塔德勒因为扭伤了手腕,只得退出锦标赛He's gone off the boil after a tournament win in Dubai.他在迪拜的锦标赛中夺冠后就开始走下坡路了。The last golf tournament of the European season is building up to a dramatic climax.欧洲赛季的最后一场高尔夫球锦标赛就要迎来最激动人心的时刻。They won the tournament? How fantastic!他们赢了锦标赛?太棒了!She is making her first appearance at/in the national championships.她即将首次参加全国锦标赛She has announced that this tournament will be her swan song. 她宣布这将是她最后一次参加锦标赛We took them to the wire in last year's championship. 去年的锦标赛我们和对手一直拼到最后。She breezed through the early rounds of the tournament.她在锦标赛头几轮轻松过关。In the tournament so far, Italy's Stefania Croce looks like the one to watch.锦标赛进行到现在,意大利队的斯特法尼亚·克罗斯看来值得关注。She's one of the qualifiers for the tournament.她是入围锦标赛的选手之一。If we lose this game, we're out of the championship.我们如果输掉这场比赛就会在锦标赛中出局。Winning the tournament was the perfect way to round out her career.此次锦标赛夺冠给她的运动生涯画上了一个圆满句号。Fans wore their Wimbledon stickers like badges of honour.球迷们把温布尔登网球锦标赛的贴纸粘在身上,就像荣誉的象征一样。The same network will televise the tournament next year.同一家电视网来年将播送这场锦标赛The U.S. Nationals will be held in New York City this year.全美锦标赛今年将在纽约市举办。He has ruled himself out of the world championships next year in Stuttgart.他不再参加明年在斯图加特举办的世界锦标赛She was a poor second in the tournament.这次锦标赛她获第二名,但成绩远远落后于第一名。The championships made their long-awaited return to the West Coast.锦标赛回到了期待已久的西海岸举办。I'm delighted to be on top of the leaderboard in a tournament that has so many star names playing.在明星云集的锦标赛上位列积分榜第一,我非常高兴。After their championship victory, the team was ready to pop the cork. 锦标赛获胜后,队员们准备开香槟庆祝。Her best performance to date was her third place at the World Junior Championships.迄今为止她最好的成绩是在世界青少年锦标赛上获得第三名。The golf tournament is a professional event.这项高尔夫锦标赛是职业赛事。The team was ousted from the tournament in the first round of the play-offs.在季后赛的第一轮,球队就输掉了参加锦标赛的资格。Three athletes were disqualified from the championships after failing drugs tests.三名运动员因未通过药检被取消了锦标赛的参赛资格。The championship prize-winners made a brave sight as they entered the main arena.锦标赛的获奖者们进入主赛场时场面十分壮观。Every football-crazy schoolboy in Europe dreams of one day being involved in the championships.在欧洲,每一个酷爱足球的男学生都梦想有朝一日能够参加锦标赛This year's outstanding tournament will do a lot to restore the competition's prestige.今年出色的锦标赛将会大大恢复该比赛的声望。We made it to the basketball championships this year, but we lost in the final game.我们今年成功打入篮球锦标赛,但在决赛中失利了。McKenzie breezed the first three rounds of the tournament.麦肯齐轻松地完成了锦标赛的头三轮比赛。Results from the two rounds count towards championship points.这两轮比赛的结果计入锦标赛的得分。This could have been one of the coldest golf tournaments on record.这很可能是高尔夫锦标赛比赛史上天气最为寒冷的一次。England intend fielding their strongest team in next month's World Youth Championship.英格兰意欲在下月的世界青年锦标赛中推出他们的最强阵容。They are in Sweden to commentate on the European Championships.他们在瑞典为欧洲锦标赛作解说。Selling tickets for a devalued championship is becoming increasingly difficult.含金量打了折扣的锦标赛的门票变得越来越难卖。Two years ago he was in disgrace, sent home from the European Championship after attacking another player.两年前他在欧洲锦标赛上对另一名选手动粗,之后被迫打道回府,颜面尽失。Sources close to the player claim he won't be entering this year's championship.与该选手关系密切的消息人士称他不会参加今年的锦标赛This tournament is a rehearsal for the Olympics.这次锦标赛是本届奥运会的一次热身赛。She pulled out of the tournament.她退出了锦标赛Attendance at the national championships is already higher than expected.全国锦标赛的入场观众已经比预期的多了。




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