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词汇 铁路公司
例句 British Rail says its new Liverpool Street station is the shape of things to come.英国铁路公司声称最新的利物浦街道车站是未来的发展方向。Two of the steam trains have been loaned to other railways.其中两列蒸汽火车借给别的铁路公司了。The railway companies seem to completely ignore safety recommendations.铁路公司似乎完全不顾安全建议。The railway passes over an occupation bridge, provided by the railway company when the building of a railway severed a farmer's landholding.铁路从一座专用桥梁的上方通过,这座桥梁是铁路公司在铺设铁路时因为要从一个农场主的土地上穿过而修建的。The rail company has two trains in service and one in reserve.这家铁路公司有两辆正在营运的列车和一辆备用列车。The railway company extended a branch line to Brightlingsea to convey fish direct to Billingsgate.铁路公司修建了一条通往布赖特灵西的支线,以便直接将鱼运送到比林斯门。Railtrack was patently a failing company struggling to pay its debts.铁路公司明显是个深陷债务危机且濒临破产的公司。British Rail has admitted responsibility for the accident.英国铁路公司承认对事故负有责任。The rail company plans to open several new lines over the next five years.铁路公司计划在未来五年再开几条新线路。British Rail immediately hit back with their own cheap fares scheme.英国铁路公司马上推出自己的低票价方案予以反击。British Rail has indeed become more commercial over the past decade.英国铁路公司在过去的十年间确实变得更加商业化了。Rail bosses are in the firing line again following last week's accident.上星期的事故发生后,铁路公司的老板再次备受责难。The rail company said it expected services to get slowly back to normal.铁路公司表示,其运输服务将慢慢恢复正常。The rail company is bringing in more trains in an effort to minimize disruption to travellers.铁路公司正投入更多的列车来减少旅客的不便。The ticket offers unlimited travel on British Rail for seven days.凭本票可在七日内不受限制地乘坐英国铁路公司的火车。Passengers are incensed that rail companies make huge profits while service remains poor.铁路公司盈利丰厚,但服务质量依然低劣,乘客对此极为愤怒。I disagree with Andrew Russell over his piece on British Rail.我不同意安德鲁·拉塞尔那篇关于英国铁路公司的文章。There are rumors of a merger involving several major railroad companies.据说几家主要的铁路公司要合并了。British Rail had to post a signalman at the entrance to the tunnel.英国铁路公司不得不在隧道入口设置了一名信号员。The railway company refused to offer cheap-day excursion tickets.铁路公司拒绝出售单日折价票。The railway companies had all been caught completely unprepared by the sudden snowfalls.暴风雪突降让毫无准备的铁路公司全都措手不及。The rail company is investing in new rolling stock.铁路公司正投资购买新的车辆。The railroad indemnified him for his injuries.铁路公司对他所受的损伤给予赔偿。Leaves on the line are an expensive problem for the railways.处理铁轨上的落叶对铁路公司而言是一个耗资巨大的工程。Railway companies brushed aside fears that staff cuts would compromise safety.铁路公司不理会裁员会危及安全的担忧。Japan National Railways was split up in preparation for sale to private investors.日本国立铁路公司已被拆分,准备售与私人投资者。Much of the venom directed at the rail company would be more fairly directed at the government.许多对铁路公司的怨恨其实应该针对政府才更公平。




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