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词汇 钝器
例句 She suffered blunt trauma to the head.她头部被钝器击伤。The murder weapon was a blunt instrument. 杀人凶器是一件钝器The autopsy revealed that the deceased had been hit with a blunt instrument.尸检表明死者遭受过钝器的重击。He was hit over the head with a blunt instrument. 他被钝器击中头部。The killer struck him with a blunt object.杀手用钝器击打他。The man's injuries had obviously been caused by a blunt instrument.这人的伤口显然是由钝器所致。According to the police, his attackers beat him with a blunt instrument.按照警方的说法,袭击者用钝器击打他。




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