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Each gold coin depicts the queen's head in relief on the front.每一枚金币正面都刻有女王的浮雕头像。We handed over all our gold to the bandits.我们把所有的金币都给了劫匪。Gold coins have been found in hoards in many parts of the country.在这个国家的很多地区都发现了大批埋藏的金币。The coins plopped into water.金币扑通一下掉进了水里。I don't think this gold coin is a good un.我看这块金币不是真的。The king gave his servant rich garments and added thereto a bag of gold.国王给他的仆人华丽的衣服,此外再加金币一袋。Robert slipped two gold pieces into the man's hand.罗伯特塞了两枚金币在那个男人的手中。The price of gold coins fluctuates in tune with commodities.金币的价格随商品涨落。 |