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词汇 重病
例句 He has some awful disease.他患有某种重病That seriously ill dog would be better off dead.那条患着重病的狗还是死了好。I can't believe there's anything seriously wrong with him - he's the picture of health.我无法相信他会得什么重病——他看上去非常健康。Was your illness any serious or did you just have a bug or something?你得的是重病还是只不过是小毛小病? Very sick people should be allowed to die with dignity.重病的人应当被允许有尊严地死去。I have never seen her since her father fell sick of a serious illness.自从她父亲生重病后,我就再也没有见过她。She's made it through the worst of the illness now.现在她已经从重病中挺过来了。He contracted a serious illness and died a month later.他身染重病,一个月后去世了。Weight loss can be a sign of a serious illness.体重下降可能是重病的信号。Caring for him while he was so ill has been a great strain on her nerves.照顾重病的他使她心力交瘁。The hardships I had endured caused me to fall dangerously ill.经受过的苦难让我得了重病Men sometimes suffer from impotence after a serious illness.男人在重病后有时会阳痿。She was taken violently ill and had to be put to bed.她突发重病,不得不卧床休息。Be careful not to overextend yourself. You've been very ill.注意不要让自己操劳过度,你已经重病在身了。Have you been laid up with anything serious lately?最近你是不是得了什么重病一直在家休息?We sympathized with our classmate whose mother was very ill.我们十分同情那位母亲得了重病的同学。David was too sick to attend, so Janet served as his alternate.戴维重病不能出席,珍妮特作为他的替代者参加。Amy's pitiless step-mother refused to look after her when she was seriously ill.艾咪那个铁石心肠的继母在她生重病时不肯照料她。Sarah's been quite ill, but she's fine now.萨拉生过重病,但现在已经好了。You are allowed time off work only in cases of serious illness or bereavement.只有在患重病或家人去世的情况下你才可以请假不来上班。




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