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词汇 重新
例句 I'll just go and make a fresh pot.我这就去重新沏一壶。They carefully recounted the votes.他们认真重新清点了选票。The dark clouds gave way to bright sunshine.乌云散去,明媚的阳光重新普照大地。We couldn't wait to get out of doors again after the long winter.经过漫长的冬天,我们迫不及待地要想重新到户外去活动。The parties renewed their efforts to agree the treaty.各党派重新行动起来,以努力达成条约。Webb is back in the spotlight.韦布又重新成为焦点。Thoughts of home and family recurred to the lonely traveller.对家和亲人的思念重新浮上孤寂旅人的心头。When I returned to work after my illness I was put on light duties.我病愈重新工作,给安排了较轻松的工作。The road crew needed more than 24 hours to move and rebuild the stage after a concert.一场音乐会结束后,巡回乐队管理组需要用一天多时间搬走和重新搭起舞台。The city has experienced a renaissance of interest in historic preservation.这座城市重新萌生了历史保护意识。The sun was back, with its accompaniment of dust and flies.太阳重新露了出来,灰尘和苍蝇也随之出现。Habib grimaced at the revived memories.重新涌上心头的记忆让哈比卜愁眉苦脸。She really puts the stuffing back into these women.她真可说是给这些妇女重新灌注了力量。Now he has a chance to put his life back in order.现在他有了一个让自己的生活重新步入正轨的机会。He does not rule out a possible return to the concert world.他不排除重新举办音乐会的可能性。Let's step back and have another look at this.让我们退一步想想,重新看待这件事。She felt a fresh surge of anger when he denied lying.他否认撒谎时,她重新感到一阵难以抑制的愤怒。He tried to eject the spent cartridge and reload.他想把空弹夹弹出来,重新装子弹。I want to put some excitement back into my life.我想要重新给生活增添一些刺激。The books will be condensed and reformatted for electronic reading.这些书会压缩和重新编排,做成电子读物。Johnston condemned the resurgence of racism in Europe.约翰斯顿谴责种族主义在欧洲的重新抬头。The pilot struggled to regain control of the plane.飞行员奋力重新控制飞机。It wouldn't surprise me if there was such chaos after this election that another had to be held.如果你告诉我这次大选后局面会出现混乱,以致不得不重新举行选举,我一点也不会惊讶。He poured her a fresh glass of sherry.他给她重新倒了一杯雪利酒。Each time we have to go through the whole decision-making process again.我们每次都要重新走整个决策程序。The prodigal son has returned to the team after a three-year absence.三年之后浪子回头,重新加入队伍。He swung the wheel back to port and pushed the throttles forward.重新向左舷打舵轮并推油门。Congress/Parliament will reconvene after the holiday.国会/议会在假期之后将重新召开。I'll be glad to see the building in use again.看到这座建筑物重新投入使用我将十分高兴。The troops rallied for a final assault.部队重新集结,发动一场最后的突击。He had to prove himself all over again.他不得不重新证明自己。I was able to reload the files from a backup disk.我能够从一个备份盘上重新载入那些文件。It is by no means clear that the financial markets will not relapse into panic.现在还不能确定金融市场不会重新陷入恐慌。The road needs to be surfaced again.这条路需要重新铺设路面。The defendant's lawyer petitioned for a new trial.被告律师请求重新开庭审理。He stuck the ear back on with superglue.他用强力黏合剂把这只耳朵重新粘上。Now that there is peace, the country should be accepted again by the international community.既然拥有和平,这个国家应该重新被国际社会接纳。I took a moment to breathe before applying myself again to the task.重新投入到此项任务之前,我花了点时间喘口气。Surgeons were able to sew the severed finger back on.外科医生把断手指重新缝上。I was hoping he would have got back to me by now.我还想着他这个时候应该已经和我重新联系上了。




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