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词汇 里长
例句 He grew up in the houseful of women.他在一个满是女人的家庭里长大。A lump welled up in his throat and he could not speak.他喉咙里长了一个肿块,使他说不出话来。Jesse was raised in a large, dilapidated house on the East Side.杰西是在东区一幢破旧的大房子里长大的。He grew up in the slums of New York.他在纽约的贫民窟里长大。Grass is growing up through the cracks in the old patio.草从旧露台的裂缝里长出来。He grew up in a large working-class family.他在一个工人阶级的大家庭里长大。I grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Birmingham.我在伯明翰一个宁静的街区里长大。Roses do best in well-drained, slightly acid soil.玫瑰在排水良好、稍有酸性的土壤里长得最好。Stan grew two inches in six months.斯坦在六个月里长高了两英寸。You grew up in an agnostic household and have never been able to bring yourself to believe in God.你在一个信奉不可知论的家庭里长大,一直都无法信仰上帝。He was raised in an orphanage.他是在孤儿院里长大的。Most plants flourish in this rich soil.大多数植物在这种肥沃的土壤里长得很茂盛。They grew up in a relatively modest house in New Jersey.他们在新泽西一座不大的房子里长大。She grew up in an apartment in a cosmopolitan district of Chicago.她在芝加哥一个国际性区域的一套公寓里长大。He was raised on the mean streets of the central market district of Panama City.他从小在巴拿马城中心闹市区的穷街陋巷里长大。I grew up in a male-only household.我在一个只有男人的家庭里长大。There were lots of kids in my neighbourhood when I was growing up.我是在有很多孩子的街区里长大的。He's grown so much in such a short time.他在如此短的时间里长高了这么多。She grew up in a quiet neighborhood of Boston.她是在波士顿一个清静的街区里长大的。




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