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Ted got a job as a bartender.泰德得到一份当酒保的工作。By day he works at a construction company, but by night he's a bartender.白天他在一家建筑公司上班,晚上他就当酒保。Both guards and the bartender went into a huddle.警卫和酒保都私下进行了秘密协商。The bartender leapt over the bar and tried to stop the fight.那个酒保跳过柜台试图劝阻打架。The drink was first concocted by a bartender in New York.那种饮料最早是由纽约一位酒保调制出来的。The bartender handed me a mug of lukewarm beer.酒保递给我一杯微温的啤酒。 |